
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Incorrect, Blur was always running off the IceOps dedi so when Blur died all IceOps had to do was redo some cfgs and advertise it on their site :dave: there was no money transfer (as far as I'm aware)
  2. Make it a terrain patch, hit V, use left mouse to highlight some(should turn blue), use left mouse + alt to drag them down/up to make it uneven
  3. I prefer to call us 'Blurians' :sir:
  4. Read the god damn requirements and use the template provided GAAAH :angryarnold:
  5. pls no Go for an atmosphere like this (but darker)
  6. Me no understand
  7. Stronghold has that with a dead body :dave:
  8. I didn't even see that at first :dumb:
  9. ^go make a ticket
  10. Wow, extremely mature for his age! Would make a brilliant admin in my opinion
  11. I sort of agree with you, about the fog and design completely. Yet a well made jumpscare can be effective too
  12. Shame I've used my downvote for today..
  13. reflection probes (._. ) (not your fault, just annoying :p) If you get a red weapon do /r_specular 0
  14. That's not very secure.. :dumb:
  15. New ToTheMoon walkthough!
  16. Js, all my scripts are properly done now, but I used to have everything in lowercase :dumb: so this might be useful to other people :/ Tryna help here
  17. Btw for those of you that can't be bothered to write things like 'iPrintLnBold' and just want to write 'iprintlnbold' you can open up the .xml and change caseIgnored="no" to caseIgnored="yes"
  18. I had an idea to make a map on a ship that is sinking, so not only do the players need to worry about traps, they also might drown. This would be quite good as even if the activator decided not to activate anything it would still be fun for the jumpers! Anyone feel free to do this as I'm not good enough at mapping to do it myself :dumb: might give it a go at some point though :)
  19. Damn, I was so close!
  20. When I hit user-defined nothing happens, but if I go; Settings --> import ; a window pops up but it's in the wrong place :/ Which folder should I be putting these files in? EDIT: If anyone else has this then a clean install should fix
  21. I'm gonna guess at 3 2 1 2 3 1... I have no idea :dumb: