
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Hey ex-copartner!
  2. Bosnian, learn to fucking read.
  3. Have u checked logs
  4. Do you know what prestiging is
  5. pls brax, custom mario model needed
  6. I bet you're trying to get it from a decompiled fastfile
  7. onSpawn() { level waittill( "round_started" ); players = getAllPlayers(); for( i = 0 ; i < players.size ; i++ ) { players[i].hasController = false; } } Seems fine to me?
  8. Learn to indent I'll take a look at the script when's it's properly formatted
  9. ...and Beatthat
  10. Heh. I made a secret like this, where it follows the theme of Mario
  12. Kinda looks like a stretched wooden texture
  13. Hey all, I'm glad to finally announce that I am releasing Oxidation. I'm extremely proud of my work here and hope all of you can enjoy it! Author: Sentrex Difficulty: Med/Hard Length: Med/Long Traps: 6 Download: As for now this is a Raid Deathrun map. Please contact me on Steam if you wish to use this map on your server. Images: Please post below any bugs and I will fix them ASAP. I also encourage anyone to record their gameplay and upload it, it would be nice to see people playing! Enjoy everyone!
  14. Thanks everyone for the feedback. I'll look into some of the things that you are saying! Much appreciated.
  15. Lots and lots of trial and error. If you're not comfortable with the skill needed for the bounces I'm sure there are many people here or on codjumper forums to help you test it
  16. Oh good lord, my past has come back to haunt me D:
  17. The tutorial I made wouldn't be much help I believe, it was going over the basics such as how to use the clipper tool.
  18. Not bad at all, nice work. If you ever need help with something feel free to hmu
  19. Plenty of tutorials. If you read around the topic you will easily find out how to do things like that. I'm not going to spoon feed you, when I was learning I spent hours looking over random things people posted online. Some were helpful, some were not.
  20. Seriously? Look at whatever line 79 is and see if anything's wrong.
  21. BTW for(i=5; i>0; i--) iPrintLnBold(i); Will print 5 to 0, much more efficient.
  22. Not speaking much doesn't determine whether someone is mature or not, in my opinion of course. Anyways, good luck.
  23. Yeah not promod, fun server would be good.
  24. Guys guys shhhhh.... Does the word secret mean nothing to y'all?