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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. I was thinking that the whole time!
  2. :3
  3. Gabe you grammar go home. :dave:
  4. I know it really doesn't matter but eh, the braxi\_common:cleanScreen(); should have two colons. Confused me a wee bit
  5. Who knows, either a hell of a lot of absolutely nothing!
  6. Give it 20 years and it'll be worth a load of moneyz
  7. Reminds me of the cj map
  8. // may be fixed
  9. Brilliant idea Cat! Thanks! And Darmuh, I'll try and figure it out myself first.. If I can't then I'll come running!
  10. You can, instead of doing PlayFX(.... You can do SpawnFX(.... This allows hide and show to work I believe effect = SpawnFX( level.fxname, fx.origin ); TriggerFX( effect ); //starts wait 10; effect hide(); wait 10; effect show(); //etc, edit for how you want it Something along the lines of that should work
  11. Could you just do ufofx hide(); and then show(); at the start so it's not deleted forever? I haven't looked at the script so this may be a ridiculous suggestion :/
  12. I can change that..... :dumb: Also I have intensified the lighting, thanks.
  13. Had a little play, is this what you were looking for?
  14. Didn't look that simple, thanks!
  15. Thanks for the suggestion! Would anyone happen to know how to get the glowy effect where the lava and wall connect? This part -
  16. That's the idea ;D For once you actually need to have some intelligence to play Deathrun! I'll have several thousand < 13 year olds getting mad at me...
  17. Spot on there, I'm going to change the name. I was having difficulties thinking of school related traps :s I'm thinking of an end room where you have to solve maths equations or spellings or something like that, would be interesting! I planned ahead for this comment.. Thank you for the help!
  18. Aaah I'm obviously not paying enough attention then :') cheers.
  19. i post here cause u sleping :c there's no fx when you acti a second time? D:
  20. love love love
  21. Either a really good joke/troll, if not then I have no words for you sir.
  22. Antad and Antappy