
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Eh, why full guid?
  2. Temporarily remove contents of .gsc
  3. THIS IS NOT TESTED, PROBABLY BUGS. theThreadName() { while(true) { if(!isAlive(self)) updateOtherPlayers(; //run this function when the player dies } } //num is the var of the dead player's value updateOtherPlayers(num) { players = getALlPlayers(); //get all of the players in game for(index=0; index<players.size; index++) { //if the player's value is less than the dead one's then it doesn't change if(players[index].raid < num) continue; //if the player's value is greater than the dead one's it is reduced by one elif(players[index].raid > num) players[index].raid -= 1; } } /* for example, player with = 3 dies; num = 3 goes through each player's value when the player's value is 1 it doesn't need to be updated when the player's value is 2 it doesn't need to be updated the player with value 3 is now dead so nothing happens here when the player's value is 4 it is updated to become 3 and take the dead person's place when the player's value is 5 it is updated to become 4 and takes #4s place so on and so forth */ I don't have much time, this is something I typed up in about 5 mins so expect there to be flaws.
  4. Okay so due to high demand I decided to finish of Oxidation. If anyone has a test server I can use that'd be great for final testing before release. I'm going away tomorrow morning for a couple of weeks so preferably soon. (Or y'all can wait until I get back)

    1. Anti


      ^ We could just keep testing it on the one we've been testing on for it before :P

    2. Purity


      As said before, just message troll and he will use Raids one?

    3. Sentrex


      Okay, will do it after my holiday then. Thanks y'all

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  5. I was planning on starting from scratch, but since I don't have access to the current raid mod I wouldn't want to remove any changes y'all have already made. However if you already have a WIP then it might be a good idea to continue on from there?@@Cat I'd be more than happy to have some help, I'm going away for a couple of weeks from tomorrow but when I get back it would be nice to work along side you.
  6. 1 month
  7. Nah it's cool, I'll fix it tomorrow if you guy's will let me. It's not too hard to fix at our end.
  8. Aaaaaaand we have a winner!
  9. Well done everyone :)
  10. You've given me an idea..
  11. Didn't you just get denied?
  12. :okay:
  13. An interesting thing about me on the forums: I am the 69th user huehue
  14. You'd probably have to keep nuketown theme but do it from scratch
  15. Yeah, its up to Server Manager+. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do here
  16. Really not that simple
  17. How about; "I'm sorry but I don't think that's what I'm looking for blah blah, thanks for your effort though"You didn't have to be so blunt
  18. Don't ask for help if that's how you're gonna reach when someone attempts to help you.
  19. I feel kinda honoured to be included in this list, if no one else more experienced than me wants to do this then I'll happily give it a shot!
  20. Does it even need to be explained? He has used 2 textures on the whole damn thing.
  21. Do you have a red-ish vision file or have you just not compiled the reflections?
  22. Just a little update, sorry for the bump! Sound tool [COMPLETED] Lockscreen builder [40% Progress] Worldspawn viewer [Not Started] Model placer [Logic complete, needs port to C#] Menu builder (Berry's idea) [Will contact Berry] Generic script generator [20% Progress] Functions list [Not Started] Minimap maker [Not Started] Quick weather effects [Not Started] HUD builder [30% Progress] I will keep updating this post as things progress.
  23. Sabotaged
  24. Porkchop, At first when I read through you system I thought it was a silly idea to be honest, xp relative to how much a map is played seemed to not sit right with me. However, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I really like the idea! It's a good compromise and a well thought out system, extremely well explained too. I say yes to this system being developed. (I'd like to offer myself as someone who could help develop this if you need help)