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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. It makes sense, if the colour is black then it is more likely to be driven by a male who statistically are more wreckless than females. Like Cloudy said please don't comment on things you don't know anything about. Bosnian is correct though, in some cases weight of the car will effect the cost of the insurance.
  2. It may be the time of year, exam period maybe?
  3. :facepalm: I'm sure weight of the car does effect it, but that's minor. Main thing is engine size, anything above a 1.2 is not really feasible without paying thousands of pounds of insurance for it. Other things that will effect insurance: Gender, martial status, where you live, car's safety rating, driving experience, how much you drive it etc etc Some strange things too, like colour of the car
  4. in the UK you pretty much can't get a nice car as your first car, insurance is too much
  5. Because that's exactly what I said (y), sarcasm of course. Though if that is what you assumed from it then why not try it instead of putting minimal effort and just asking others to put their own effort to help you? There are tutorials that explain it, and it works. Source: I did it myself a while back. Also could you possibly have responded in a more immature way? If I was reluctant to spoon feed you information before I am definitely not going to now. It's the people like you in the cod4 community that make me want to leave even more. Good day.
  6. Pretty sure it's the not same thing for weapons and characters, also pretty sure there are loads of tutorials online specifically for adding custom weapons
  7. omg reading through that thread there are so many flaws
  8. Happy belated birthday by 11 mins!
  9. i lold
  10. Hi!

  11. Take note nubs, this is how you should respond to a simple mistake.I like you.
  12. ^ This. Something you should know about coding, most things start at 0 and not 1, comes in handy. Eg: myarray = ["zero", "one", "two"] not myarray = ["one", "two", "three"] Also a good way to debug this would have been to print the random number, then you would've seen the problem. You'll start picking up on these things when you start coding more I'm sure. Just some handy tips!
  13. To buy... Or not to buy. That is the question.
  14. I have moved your topic to the correct category. Here is the official template for map suggestions. Thanks.
  15. Sorry not trying to be mean but, what age group is this meant for?
  16. Welcome to the club of anyone who's disagreed with Bosnian
  17. :facepalm:Say you've been given the area of a rectangle and one of the sides, but you want to know what the other side is. You can't just plug in numbers since you don't know what they are. You can use algebra to find this out easily. You know the first side is 7cm and the area is 21cm. By using x to stand in for the other side it becomes a lot easier to solve. 7 * x = 21 x = 21/7 x = 3 Granted that this is very simple and can be done by pretty anyone in their head, but this is the simplest form of algebra I could think of. With more complex questions it become pretty much impossible to solve without the use of algebra.
  18. I'll either set up a server or ask someone who currently has one to let me borrow it, hopefully in the next couple of days.
  19. Just a tip, instead of having to write their name and embed a link to their profile you can use the member ipb code: [member=PsychoBastard] Eg: @PsychoBastard
  20. I have PMed a couple of people about testing, if anyone else would like to help feel free to post here or send me a PM.
  21. :dumb:
  22. And two of them give XP? That's 2/6 which = 1/3 It's called maths.