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  • Birthday 11/26/97

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  1. There should be a Raid's Deathrun Map Of The Year to encourage people to put out more high quality DR maps

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sentrex


      But then again, people can make amazing maps in a month, whereas it takes other 6+ months

    3. Pixel


      Yeah, but yearly seems too long imo, if you do like every 3 months, it gives everyone a chance, so people who take 3 months on a map can participate in how ever many events they want, perhaps all 4 in that year, but say if in the second event (at this time it will be the 6 month mark one) then he will be up against people who have spent more time creating one map, than he has creating two map, so there's a bit of a challenge

    4. Pixel


      I can also imagine all the best mappers participating if it were yearly, give those not so known mappers no chance, giving them no motivation

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