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  • Birthday 11/26/97

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  1. "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.”

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    2. Darmuh


      Elk you do know competition is best for a free market right? It makes people push to make better products and in this case pushes people to catch bigger and better fish. Also, true communism has never been practiced and likely never will be

    3. TheSuitedElk


      But they aren't competing with eachother in selling the fish, they're competing with eachother in obtaining the fish for themselves (hence the market ought not be regarded in this context); therefore it would urge them to develop new techniques for catching the hypothetical fish, rather than to catch fish of a higher quality.

      There is only a finite supply of fish, ergo the problem still stands; teaching someone else to fish damages your own fish yield.

    4. Darmuh


      You make a good point, but this saying is usually applied to situations where there is not a finite resource.