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About Jamayka

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/15/98

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  1. First time I reach hot in 9gag http://9gag.com/gag/apL7AR8?ref=android

    1. Anti


      Did 9gag do something recently with their layout? I can almost tolerate it now :o

    2. Jamayka


      Ya I think they changed the layout I usually use the app

  2. Just make a ticket and an admin will help you
  3. This is not the right place mate try making a ban appeal here http://raid-gaming.net/forums/support/ Maybe you are using a cracked key I don't think that they can help you
  4. My favorite is Bella got love those eyes
  5. @Anti the first one is Bella she was bitten by a dog and we treated her its with us since 2009 The second is maylo we found him laying next to his dead mother And the third is blacky found it in an abandoned house
  6. 3 cats different breeds all rescued
  7. deathrun

    Looks amazing finally its out but why there no public download
  8. I want to start using a Linux based os for my daily activities what should I use Debian or Ubuntu as I m a beginner and I don't know much about Linux 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BosnianArmy


      Remember of course that there are still small amounts of programs that are supported for Ubuntu. Like MS Office, you need to use Libre Office, etc. Just experience with it, I didn't liked it 3-4 years ago, it's probably better now.

    3. Jamayka


      You can use wine too

    4. BosnianArmy


      I said it as example ^^

  9. He went straight to lead admin
  10. 4chan is fucked up

    1. siikdude


      depends where you go. /b/ has all the weird shit because its the random board. I personally just stick to reddit because its more civilized there and you're not dealing with neckbeards

    2. zander ◔◡◔
  11. Just noticed the tags on this topic n1