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Everything posted by evensosan

  1. Thanks Beatthat.
  2. Admin applications: Do you accept the requirements?: Yes. What is your real name?: Amit Nachman (i dont even care, everybody knows) What is your in-game name?: EvenSosan How old are you?: 13 What is your primary server?: Deathrun (and Codjumper) What is your B3 CID?:51348 What is your Xfire?:evensosan69 ( i dont realy use it) What is your Steam?: EvenSosan What makes you a good admin?: I know how to handle bad behavior, im will be treating fair to everyone. Im in raid community since the very first days, i also have experience with being admin (and yes, my english is not the best!). What skills do you have?: Basketball (sports) i sometimes map on cod4, but thats just a hobby (didnt released any map yet). What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: EsG. Why should we choose you?: like i said before, i have experience and im reponsibble.
  3. Thanks everyone, thinking about more stuff to say. :)
  4. Thanks for the advice! :)
  5. - for you too!
  6. @@@Purity fite mi scrubz
  7. Look, if you want raid to keep going, you do it yourself bosnion. 2. I wont go fnrp, cuz they hate me there, and they acting to me like assholes
  8. That would be great
  9. anyone here also have crazy weather or its just me?

    1. Tinman


      Meh... if 35 C is crazy then yeah :>

    2. Tilak
    3. evensosan


      its almost -9 in my town with no snow.


    4. Show next comments  3 more
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. evensosan


      As you can see on the top of the broswer, theres hebrew writing

    3. BraXi


      I think its Judish version of windows, explains why everything's flipped :dave:

    4. BraXi


      Right, EvenSosan explained it already, lel.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  10. Worst fucking day ever.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. evensosan


      So what are you now? :P

    3. MegaPixarius


      she's a thinker now, .... process of thinking starting in 4...3...2...1...1...1..

    4. QueNNch
    5. Show next comments  3 more
  11. I do man.
  12. Hi! my name is EvenSosan, my real name is Amit *******. I live in israel and YES, im a jew. Im in the forums, for a long time, and even more time in the Raid community. My English sucks. Im 13 years old. And when im raging, for some reason, its fucking hilarious. See you everywhere **EvenSosan**
  13. Hello! :D
  14. You dont understands clues, do you? :D
  15. I think you guys all know why i cannot be there.
  16. @@Dolph1n Cool story bro.
  17. Dammit waffles!! :foreveralone: :foreveralone: :foreveralone: :foreveralone: :foreveralone:
  18. Nice to meet you to m8! (:
  19. Hi :D
  20. Thank you (: