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Posts posted by QueNNch

  1. Don't know why did they need to shut down the messenger as it only made Xfire more popular as a brand. Now they want to get into the esports business but they don't realise that their rival ESL also has a messenger (with integrated anticheat and auto server joining).

    They just scrapped one of their biggest strengths, the community.
    I most likely have everyone on steam but if you don't then add me :D --> http://steamcommunity.com/id/QueNNch/

  2. Will give it ago now, will let you know the outcome


    Thanks for helping ! :D



    Nothing has worked, I'm really really pissed off at this stupid shit....


    it can't be my SDD Failing it's brand new :x

    I hope you understand this issue is coming from the steam application only. So try and work around making it work.

    Try googling "steam games not downloading" or some similar words, that should help.

    If it all doesn't work in the end, my advice would be to download the untouched, retail GTA V files + updates from a torrent and simply putting them into steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V directory.

    After that run the game using the exe file.

    Good luck (:


  3. Try running steam as administrator (it usually doesn't).

    Then also see if your firewall is actually allowing connection to various steam applications that run in the background (To see them, Task Manager->Details tab)


    Also make sure that the folder your game is downloading to isn't set to 'Read-only' permission (GTA V DOES THAT!). [Go to the steamapps/common folder and right click -> properties to the GTA V folder and uncheck 'Read Only']


    I know how frustrating it can be, I was also struggling to get my game working for the first two days :-/


    Hope I helped


  4. Wasn't on the forum for the past couple of weeks and checked New Content today. Saw new applications and thought if it was just a troll because raid was closing.

    Scrolled down a lil bit to find this thread! Really glad that this community will go on as before, and is not closing after being successful for so long!


  5. Mhm. I don't think this should be carried on. It's sad to see it go away like this, but you guys will probably fuck up and spend money on servers, even though you guys don't know enough to do this kind of stuff. 


    I'm ofcourse willing to help, but I'm kinda scared about the future of raid. When something comes to an end, it may or may not be better to be continued. I'd rather see (Sorry guys..) it end here. 


    Either way, if "we" are continuing, I'd be glad to put as much time as possible into this (which is not that much.. ;)) to help and keep Raid like it should be. 


    PS: I'm not going to those FNRP fucktarts, lmao


    Forget the servers, at least the forum should stay :/


  6. Well I really really want the forum to go on. Maybe we could move on to some free hosted forum (will probably be shit compared to this) and redirect this domain to that one when this closes.

    Personally my choice of "backup" place to chat with this community would be CoDScript http://www.codscript.net

    The forum looks beautiful, its got the interface and software the same as raid, set up by ofcourse our active community member JR-Imagine ;)

    He has the knowledge to maintain and keep the forum running well so that our community can survive.
