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Posts posted by QueNNch

  1. Don't mind Gabe's reply Headdy, ya know he's nub :)

    On topic, I think it's kinda creepy seeing your inside pics. I had an MRI scan of my face (front of the skull) once, and I refused to look at the pictures just cause creep :dave:

    To be honest it was scary enough to go inside that machine already D:


  2. Can we please have domination gamemode on this server? Plain Team Deathmatch is boring and there's no point just shooting bots and players with those weapons and respawning, and doing the same thing all the time.

    Domination works very well with bots as tried and tested by me and Triton, they capture objectives like any real player ;)


  3. Headdy...

    That made me cringe...

    We're no longer BFFs *Cries*

    Anyways, tried using a PC once, was a great door holder until it got a virus...

    Well, now let's get back to the purpose of this thread


    Anti I never knew all your skill on deathrun was using a Mac :o


    Srsly tho, macs have less issues with them, and the only reason people dislike it is that it's not supported by as much games as windows and you aren't allowed to do too many modification/hex on it :P


    //On topic

    I'd love those mw3 killstreaks ! :D


  4. I'm glad that you like the mod.

    I'd love to see another server on an active community for CoD:CO. If you can get the mod to get popular, i might consider some surprises for you all. *Wink wink*

    I'd also love to see the community on here react greatly on the mod. The mod is going greatly in 2.0 progress, and there's so much to be done still. 1.2 is a great mod overall (which has a public release on the Moddb page) but i assure you, 2.0 is gonna be ALOT better and much more customizable.


    //Moka_Akashiya85 (Mod DEV)


    So glad you found us, but how?


    I play your mod with those perfectly made pezbots alone all the time already :P It's so good. 
