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Posts posted by QueNNch

  1. I'm like you, I never thought a sound card would do anything, until I got one. Darmuh, this has nothing to do with my speakers. The sound cards make the quality so much more clear and crisp, with lower basses and higher trebles. They do quite a bit actually, and it just sounds amazing if you get the right sound card and configure it correctly.


    And btw.....EWW BEATS. They're overpriced, worthless pieces of crap that are nothing but brand-name. YOu can get better headphones for $50. But trust me, something as cheap as an ASUS Xonar DG($30) works great, it's' waht I have I only with I would have gone one step higher and bought the ASUS Xonar DX, which supports DTS....oh well.

     You are right cat, Beats is really overpriced. I fancied beats headphones about a year ago because once one of my friend let me hear a song from it. I bought the Sanhieser headphones for $80 because I couldn't afford beats (but I just wanted some music-only headphones) and they are great.


    After about 3 months, my maternal grandfather(dunno whats the casual synonym of this in English) bought a pair of beats headphones for about $200. I compared them with my pair, and the Beats ones never sounded as good as Sanhieser pair on any song!


  2. can't wait for cat to see this and start talking about how awesome his surround sound speakers are when really all they do is make all of us echo through his mic :P

    Dangabbit I pressed downvote instead of upvote...no way to go back... Someone neutralise it :3


  3. Wow I didnt think moderators here would be like that


    Wow I didn't know you were that dumb to not read the rules before posting on a forum.


    Also, you didn't care to read the requirements needed to apply for admin?




    -10 Posts on Forums

    -16 Years or Older (Exceptions allowed)

    -40 Approx. Hours on Servers

    -100 Connections on Servers

    -10 days of forum account being online


    Where are your 10 posts? You're not 16+ and you need 10 days of being online on this forum. You made your profile 4 days ago -.-


    Somebody show him the door...


  4. Stay with intel ;)

    i5 4th gen is the optimum processor for gaming too, it somehow seems to work better with graphic cards in making games perform good according to statistics. You can also save money by going back to i7 3rd gen (which I use), which is still more than enough for you(runs BF4 @GTX 660 at 100+ FPS at all ultra settings!).


  5. Nice try Gabe, but the quality is such that I can't read anything you type. Try changing your recording software.

    Also, you are going VERY slow through the tutorial, in the first 6 minutes (halfway through) waiting in your video what I learnt was that you HAVE to type 

    #include <iostream>


    before every piece of code, and then write this line

    int main() {

    where "int" means integer.




    If I was completely new to coding, I would not see the point of writing down those things in that way. 

    I don't know why would you put a hash before "include" and those brackets around things, sometimes <>, sometimes () and sometimes {} ? Are the variables you used have been made up by you or are predefined?


    Change your way, go through basics if you want to do a series Gabe.


    EDIT: If you check this guy here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mft1fG-W_bc he keeps it simple but takes his time to explain basics properly. I don't care if I get downvoted just because of criticism, but it depends in what way you take it.
