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Posts posted by QueNNch

  1. I'm really disapointed how you guys look at muslims.. if you said extreminests I wouldn't said nothing. Because extreminests aren't muslims at all..


    Killing incidents without any reason is stupid.


    I could say, all christians are raping childeren and you guys got a christian background but you guys aren't following it or you guys aren't that at all doing these bad stuff. So please stop using the word muslim because the whole world are making muslims bad reputation on purpose. And yes I'm mad at this.


    Don't take it seriously mate, everyone knows islam is a peaceful religion and the violent ones are the only extremists, in fact they aren't muslims at all as you said. These are just some jokes for a laugh and you know they are silly. 


    I have had some friends who follow Islam but they are one of the nicest people. Last Eid they gifted me sweets and other food they made at Eid, which was really nice of them... I mean who does that? 
