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Posts posted by QueNNch

  1. Psst, QueNNch, use it when you fly vehicles on Battlefield, it makes it 100000x easier! I can dominate the sky with a controller, but I can hardly control myself with a mouse :(

    Yeah I've tried, vehicles become easier to control but aiming on-foot is hard.

    But I would still prefer overall keyboard+mouse usage in this game because of my muscle memory and better aim with that. I can't play all with keyboard+mouse and then switch to gamepad whenever I enter vehicles because remembering both controls is hard itself in the first place.

    Using it for jet only is what I would do ;)


  2. soz doublepost


    So this arrived at home today ^_^



    I never had an xbox so I'm excited to use this controller as a gamepad on my pc. It's already supporting most of the games and even shows the xbox buttons as instructions ingame :D

    Gonna love playing Assassin's creed, Watch dogs, GTA and other third-person view games !


    Got it from Amazon UK and it delivered in less than a day: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B004JU0JSK


  3. Dear all raid members + Staff 


    We are sorry for doing everything we have done in the past, we feel crappy that we copied, ddosed you and even laughed about it. We wish you guys could forgive me. Lossy, even though you hate us we ask to start over. This goes with everyone in raid, to start over. I want to apologize for stealing Destiny, we were very dumb to do that. I hope you guys can forgive us. I'm sorry for Ddossing you guys because we were fucking dumb and getting you back realizing you guys did nothing wrong and we were the stupid idiots! 




                                                                   RvS Staff.

    Finally Kill3r got it :o


  4. Favorite deathrun map? bigfall


    Favorite trap in a map? the first and second "falling down" part of oreo


    Favorite endroom in a map? trampoline in qube


    Favorite secret in a map? the cj room in diehard


    Favorite mapper? Xenon


    Most detailed map? jurapark


    Hardest map? islands


    Best themed map? mp_deathrun_mine (can also be mario world but this one pleases me more)


    Least favorite map? inferno



    P.S. Nice topic sheep  ^_^


  5. I see quite a few donations under the "latest donations" bar on the right side of the forums, no recent ones from you, sir! :P

    Lol don't put any pressure on khaos, he just made the challenge for fun. You shouldn't expect anything from him because it's his choice to donate more than he already did, or he just might be involved in smth irl ^^
