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Posts posted by Headdy

  1. In the Netherlands it kinda works the same. If you're 16.5 years old, you're allowed to have driving lessons, if you're 17 years old you're allowed to get your license, if you're still 17 years old you're allowed to drive with someone who has 5 years (legal, haha)experience, BUT when you get your license, you can choose 5 people to be the person sitting next to you, so not just any random person.

    If you're 18, you can just drive like any other person. If you got your license at the age of 17, you are allowed to drive a scooter without a scooter license.


  2. Actually pretty bad but eh, yeah. Read my topic if you'd like: http://raid-gaming.net/forums/index.php/topic/172-the-situation-with-my-head/

    tl;dr I fell down the stairs in December and then I fell on the ground on christmas day. Then I had to go to the hospital a lot of times and I had to stay there a few times. Now I'm in a rehab centre and I need to stay there 8 weeks, and after that i need to go 4x a week (again for 8 weeks) to the rebab centre and then back to home. So I'm have to go/be there 16 weeks.

    And how are you doing?


  3. Just don't fap in public. Only if there are hot girls nearby.

    Naww, I'd highly recommend not to fuck it up. Just study hard so you'll make it through highschool pretty easy. If you're going to fuck it up, later on you'll think: "I wish I did better at highschool" (maybe) :)

    Anyways, do what YOU want to do, and not what everyone says. Like Darmuh said, be yourself. Get some friends and I'm sure it'll be a fun time.


  4. @TOPIC


    I don't have a story of personal experience, but recently heard news about a learning-disabled 15-year-old was threatened with felony wiretapping charges for using his school-approved iPad to record being bullied by other students...


    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/14/special-ed-student-who-recorded-being-bullied-on-his-ipad-threatened-with-felony-wiretapping-charges/#ixzz2zkFaBVvk

    Nice story! This drives me crazy though..

    The teen has since been removed from the special education math class, and the students accused of bullying have reportedly not been punished.


  5. Since yesterday, I'm in the rehab centre. Lots of people here do have a story. Most of them had an accident, some are disabled or anything. Meh.

    I'm at the 'child' department, so kids of my age are here. I'm with 4 guys in my room. 1 guy is still able to talk, he's a little weird though, he gets aggresive really fast and is pretty antisocial.

    So the guy who lies next to me, is mentally disabled and he just had a back-surgery. He's not able to walk, he only sits on a chair or he's driving using his electrical powered wheelchair. He isn't able to talk. You can communicate with him, if he uses is iPad to speak for him. He can type what he wants to say and the iPad says it out loud. So just talking with each other isn't really an option. He invited me on Facebook today, so ofcourse I accepted him. I started talking on Facebook while he was just sitting next to me. He just talks like any other human, I wouldn't even recognize him as a person which is mentally disabled and can't speak/walk. He was so happy he could talk to me, I guess he feels really alone. He got adopted at the age of 1 I guess. He's from Poland, he's able to understand anything you say to him though.

    The guy who lives on the other side of the room, he's 17 years old and a really smart guy. He had an accident a few months ago and he isn't able to do anything. He can't use any part of his body apart from his neck/head/fingers/hand. This guy, he can only communicate by using his eyes. Yes, his eyes. If you ask him: 'Are you OK?'. He'll answer by looking up or down. (Up=yes, down=no) So actually he's just a genius, but he'll be disabled for his whole life. There's almost no option to communicate with him, since he can only response with yes/no. They're now learning him to 'speak' with a special board which has all the letters so he can pick the letter and he'll make a word from it (By selecting all the letters).

    So actually, my situation isn't really that bad. This kinda gives me a feeling of luck I didn't end up there. Ofcourse, I do live with a lot of pain at the moment, but that's just now. It should be less soon. Most of this kids will have it for life.

    There are lots of other nice people here, but these two just stand out. I haven't met all the kids though.

    So, this is really impressive, at least for me. My question is, do you guys know any persons that are like this, if yes, could you tell about him/her? (Like friends, family, other persons, or did you ever had to be in such a place like this? Rehabilitation, hospital)

    This is actually a serious topic, it's not really a nice place to make jokes about certain people/things. Go do that somewhere else.

    I'm just curious if any of you guys ever experienced things like this, and/or did it changed the way you think, care or act to/about people?


  6. [sorry For My English] Lossy , Im Doing this on Raid Forums, Because i dont want to go to Teamspeak anymore , since nothing is Done there.

    I dont know if u consider me inpatient or something else or get mad because of me , so yesterday u were busy i understand that, or u were playing a game with ur friends as everyone does and u kinda just want to play all day , so ive done alot of thinking through out the day and night and i was kinda sad and angry at me , becuase of my shitty keycode i had and i just got another one , and when u loose ur keycode everything ur stats get reset so my Deathrun stats got reset , i was so sad and mad, i was level 41 all of that hard work u know, so i asked zack and he asked me to post something on forums, emm i didnt know what to do since i went on ts and asked u if u got time to give me back my level, u said u were playing ur own game so i said k.. i asked zack again and he yelled at me that lossy will do it and he already knows , but thomas gave me level 30 which deppresed me so i didnt play dr for a day or so, every time i think of dr i get sad beceause of all my hard work to get 41. So This is a Post i want to make becuase i want everyone to know its a big deal for me, thank you and have a nice day :(

    Okay man, I understand you're sad, but it's just a rank mate. It's not something that you need to acomplish in live, right? Who cares man. Don't be sad about a damn level, lol. It's just a game.

    Anyways, I'm sorry for you loss (the level). I hope you're not depressed.

    Rt if u cri evritiem
