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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. Before I forget, as I have shitty memory.

    I'm going to need to do a massive amount of research on hotels. Travelodge won't work because of the way it works, and premier in is fucking expensive, I'll do some looking around nearer the time but atm them 2 won't happen.

    I'll talk more with you on this an what we will have to do soon. It may even mean that someone will half to go halves on rooms if we have to book 2 at £75 each...

    Wanted to post this here incase I forgot


  2. Autotune does not do the same thing as what I'm doing, autotune just makes you sound like T-pain or some other shit, When using a synth as a carrier it makes the vocals sound how the synth sounds, eg my vocals sounds like a super saw pad giving it a warm and harmonized feeling, so stop thinking like you know what you're talking about. Thanks. 


  3. I was using it so i could use a saw pad as a carrier on some vocals I recorded, after many attempts I got it working at it sounds great, doesn't even sound like me and makes it sound like I can actually sing :dumb: 


  4. I've decided to call a winner 1 day early, as I won't be online tomorrow as I've got something to do, 


    I've chosen ImTroll as the winner as he gave the most detailed reason why he would like the game and it is my final choice, 


    Troll, if you contact me on steam (staab) and or teamspeak (if I'm ever on) I'll be sure to send you the code.


    Also, This will not be the last giveaway I do as I have plans for the future. 
