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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. I don't know what 'diffecult' is, but this map seems nothing like a cj map, wow  it has 1 or 2 bounces, this makes it CJ!!!! Semtex has bounces, is that cj? Dawn has a bounce, is that cj? darmuh has a bounce, is that cj? I could go on and on. there was nothing difficult* about this map at all. 


  2. And.............. this is why the map will turn out shit. You don't listen to any of us. you just question and question it. You know what. I won't be giving any help for you this map, and I'm sure others will stop as well. why should people waste their time telling you how to improve it, if you don't listen to them? Everyone is telling you how to make the map a lot better, but I doubt you'll do any of what's been said. It's no one else's fault but your own. 


  3. >tells him to quit mapping

    >tells him to watch tutorials

    Instead of being a cunt and telling him to quit mapping, why not actually help and give some sort of constructive criticsism.

    I haven't seen the video yet as I can't watch xfire videos on my phone. But I will at least say things that have not been said. The only way to get better is to keep going at it. And I don't think he needs people like you telling him to stop.

    Where's your map dead echo? I've yet to seen one from you, I'm not saying that you have to have made a map to give criticisms. But telling him to quit is just plain rude and an awful thing to say. I would expect that from someone like BraXi.

    As I said, when I do see the video. I will make sure to give feedback in the best possible way I can to help you improve on this map.

    Much love.






    I know 10 facts about you 
    Fact 1 you are reading this
    Fact 2 You can not say m without touching your lips
    Fact 3 you just tried it
    Fact 4 your smiling
    Fact 6 your smiling or laughing
    Fact 7 you never noticed that i missed out fact 5
    Fact 8 you just checked
    Fact 9 your smiling 
    Fact 10 you are now going to comment





    My habits are back :okay: 
