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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. You're saying it like this website is so hard to find




    Then make a diferent mod where you can do whatever you want and nobody is going to complain instead of messing in my playground ó.ó


    Didn't you say a while back that you don't want to support the mod because you hate the community and what it's become? 


    Now you're saying you don't want shit like this in a mod you said you don't want to support anymore? lol 


  2. Ok, So I'll write it out, Here's the method I use. 


    First: get your mp3, and name it something short but so you can remind yourself of what the song is, E.g song is dubstep? name it dub


    Second: get your MP3 and place it in cod4 > Raw > Sound > Music (if you don't have a music folder make one)




    Third: Go into your Raw > Soundalias Folder and get any csv and copy and paste it into the sound alias folder and name it to what your song is called Eg: dub.csv, Then, Open it up and put this code in it:

    name,sequence,file,vol_min,vol_max,vol_mod,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max​,channel,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,subtitle,compression,seconda​ryaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,startdelay,speakermap,reverb,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage


    Third Add this to your update zone file in compile tools: 




    The only music script I have is a random music script, so you might be able to change it to your liking


            wait 10;
            random = randomint (3);
            switch (random)
                    case 0: Ambientplay("who");
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Iniquity ^1- ^7Who I Am");
                                    wait 1.0;
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Iniquity ^1- ^7Who I am");
                                    wait 1.0;
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Iniquity ^1- ^7Who I Am");
                    case 1: Ambientplay("happy");
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
                                    wait 1.0;
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
                                    wait 1.0;
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
                    case 2: Ambientplay("fair");
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gramatik ^1- ^7While I Was Playin Fair");
                                    wait 1.0;
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gramatik ^1- ^7While I Was Playin Fair");
                                    wait 1.0;
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gramatik ^1- ^7While I Was Playin' Fair");




    Just remember to change everything that has DUB to what ever your song is called. Should work. if it doesn't, reply back 


  3. Why add a custom weapon? For a trap? Unique Endroom?


    It's a big fucking pain when you add a weapon for no reason other than a secret and replacing the default snipers in some lame ass sniper room.


    It's a scrolling deagle I if I'm right from the testing we did.


    I said that darmuh doesn't like it because it makes everyone re download the mod again and is a pain for people with slow internet


    I suggest add the map when raid updates? 


  4. This does not mean it has been waypointed for the pezbots, just that the mod would not crash with the map.


    I don't see a mp_bo2_town_waypoints.gsc anywhere in the download you provided. So unless there is another download I'm missing please re-read my previous post.


    Oh my bad, i say 'pezbots' in the description so i thought it would work :okay: 


  5. This can certainly be a zombies map, but I would refrain from putting too many "big" maps in the rotation. As we found out small maps like shipment are much more fun/hectic :)


    For CO, it needs to have pezbot waypoints in order to be added to the server for the time being. Perhaps in the future we'll add maps without bot support that can be voted on only if enough players are present. As for now however, that system is not implemented. So to add a map it must have pezbot waypoints.


    There are rotu and rozo versions, would those way points work for the bots? 
