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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. Didn't even saw that ... :facepalm:


    Then read though the whole post before assuming something, also, will your English ever get better? 'Didn't even saw that' I mean cmon, Even though English isn't your first language, it's still hard to understand. 


  2. If everyone played it, how does it come that I don't see the IP even?.. I searched at the Servers tab and tried even in this section to search because maybe there was a thread about this mod.. but nope!


    It's aL zombies, Play the dam thing before telling me what to do, if it was rotu, I would add everything needed for rotu ect... 


  3. First thread, :motherofgod:


    After playing zombies today, It was really fun, I decided to make a map in a short amount of time and this is what I have made, I'm also making a deathrun map called legacy so I just used them textures because I can. 


    Map should work fine, tested it offline worked fine.



    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/cmyrxy72pcj1dl1/mp_zombie_legacy.rar







    There is also an elevator that leads to the underneath. 


    I own all at zombies. :foreveralone:


    Peace x 




  4. Played the map, I love the idea of moving from trap to trap in a minecart, but you could have made it so you didn't have to get out and activate if you know what I mean, you could have made the triggers inside the cart, it would save time, map it pretty nice overall, and love the way to endrooms work, 


    You have made a great map!


    Peace x 


  5. Nah, I've always made my own scripts but up until Stronghold everything was either the move function or the rotate function :')

    My first released map had 2 traps, one that moves side to side awfully, and the second was a rotating platform.

