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where i have gone :(

37 posts in this topic

well , braxi the second guy who tried to fix it ( The server guy over at my brothers work ) and he said he had tried all of that and it didn't work :( so yeah ... i've ordered a new harddrive and a new cdplayer so i should be back onto my pc soon guys <3 fresh start hey !


Don't you got any backup mapsource files? On mediafire or Mega etc?


And by the way, buy a SSD.. the best HDD what you can get is a SSD. I know they are a bit expensive but still.. get a 500GB, you will pay it once to it so I don't see the problem in it.


On the SSD one all of your personal stuff like mapping and buy a HDD for gaming only and for movies etc for the crap stuff. Simply to make 2 parts.


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i have 2 ssd's D: owell im going to just fix whats wrong on my pc and fresh wipe all my harddrives and start again :D i need a change


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And by the way, buy a SSD.. the best HDD what you can get is a SSD.



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Probably thinks an SSD is a type of HDD :dumb:


And you're giving this advice :dumb:


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Probably thinks an SSD is a type of HDD :dumb:


And you're giving this advice :dumb:


A SSD is a HDD if you look it in 1 way, but what the hardware's inside are, thats different of course. What I ment with that is that SSD is a another word for HDD.. but then its not a disk but a flash.


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A SSD is a HDD if you look it in 1 way, but what the hardware's inside are, thats different of course. What I ment with that is that SSD is a another word for HDD.. but then its not a disk but a flash.

pls :facepalm: you're going to make me cri


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pls :facepalm: you're going to make me cri


Then you don't understand my point noob


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Then you don't understand my point noob

Your point just makes no sense


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A HDD is a mechanical harddrive, meaning it has moving parts.


An SSD has no moving parts, also being faster than an HDD.


The more you reply, the more you make yourself seem like an idiot..




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The fact that you're doing this on most topics is hurting me, you pretend to know loads about a subject and then end up giving shit advice that doesn't make sense.


To back this up:



Too late :> another war started in Isreal  :dave:


And who is behind Israel? America ofc who supports Isreal, so the war won't stop until Isreal is 100% Isreal :>



Anyways piece be upon them all in Polska


A SSD is a HDD if you look it in 1 way, but what the hardware's inside are, thats different of course. What I ment with that is that SSD is a another word for HDD.. but then its not a disk but a flash.

And by the way, buy a SSD.. the best HDD what you can get is a SSD.

A good AMD CPU needs alot of cooling!



1. They use more energie

2. They need litteraly alot of cooling



I would go for the right side because:


1. Since Intel got a special system in their cpu's is that they use less and less energie

2. They can get very high speeds without being that much hot so that means you don't need a very good cooler to cool your CPU.




EDIT: Will keep updating this post as more come :dave:


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