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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. I live in a shit hole, It's awful where I live, I live in like the only decent part of the neighbourhood, I have to take an ally to get to shops if I have to get something, normally no issues but other times there have been :<  


  2. Oh the way americans think english people are 'posh' or some shit, bitch please, this isn't the 1920's, if you go to london, on your own, you'll probably get held up by a gang or some shit, I don't even live in london and that's happened to me a few times in the past :dumb: 


  3. Why would I care if BraXi called it crap? She made the mod, woopdie fucking do, it's up the the PLAYERS of the mod to create what players want to play, there is no point in sitting there for months on fucking end making a detailed map that no one will vote for because their PC's can't run it. All that time making a nice looking detailed map, gone. Why would I do that? It's pointless, The average deathrun player doesn't care about detail. They care about if the map is fun to play, if it isn't fun to play, they won't vote for it. After playing deathrun for about 1 1/2 years, I can fair enough say that. It's pretty much always been that way, look at the map SG1 Map looks amazing, no one votes it? why? because everyone prefers maps that are easy, simple, and that they can actually run. Why would people want to play boring ass maps, I agree that maps like takecare, watchit, short_v4 ect, was where it was at back in 1.1 or so, but time is changing, a lot more players are playing, and newer players probably don't have the most beefy PC to run maps, I'm not saying cod4 is a hard game to run, it isn't but if you're gonna make a map so detailed that it kills fps and someone hates playing, they won't vote it and all of YOUR time will be wasted. 

    this is the way I'm making MY map, 99.999999% chance you won't ever end up playing it, so why do you care how it looks? not everyone's standards are like yours. I would have though you being the maker of what has to be one of the biggest cod4 mods to date, would encourage more and more people to start making maps, not telling them to 'kill themselves' when they make 1 thing wrong? if only you were the same.


    -Rant over.


  4. So true wofles, the map so far is pretty easy, but that's coming from me, as for first trap something on it will be added so it just isn't shitty spinning platforms. As for the climbing shit I was Hoping to make them drop 90 degrees at random times, I have pretty ideas for every trap, but some will be random. So one round it might be a platform that rotates, or a spinning blade, like laboratory (not exact copy) so no one will expect it


  5. I will 99% change the lights, I'll mess around with lights later on, Will remove the lights away from the floor, Will add the purple lights as spotlights emitting onto the Fire FX, 


    Idk why though, It just seems that maps without themes seem to be the most played on different servers, I was making a scary one, but it was too hard for my level of mapping/scripting skills


    So I went for one without a theme, and that happened, Ty for feedback!


  6. So after many, many, many, Failed attempts at making maps, I've decided to give it one last go, If this fails, I won't be trying any more, So, Here are some screens of what I've got so far, Credits to Sentrex for helping with with FX, Any suggestion for things to be added/removed in the rooms that I've pictured, Feel free to give criticism :)







     After First Teleport? (not sure what to call it)




    First trap




    Climbing trap or something




  7. Map is great, but the only thing that annoys me is when it teleports, it changes your FOV, Because I play on a high fov scale (fovscale 1.3) when it teleports me, I have to change it back, not sure if there is a way to fix this? :okay: 
