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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. I agree with no secrets at all, not even cj secrets. But if you wanna make a secret on your map, make it so hard that players consider going in secret or not, like the secret in sonic. Very hard with multiple fps switching, which needs hard skills.

    Imo the secrets in Grassy was funny for the first time, but its boring now, even the one with the dick.

    The sonic secret really isn't that hard tbh, it's just 321 321, but's its also knowing the techs.


  2. ;___; y u no mention the first like 10 brushes I made ;__; :foreveralone: and your 1 year I hella short. Void (server) was made in october time. And that was when this map was started by me. I Ofc became too lazy to work on it anymore :dumb: anyway. October>June 8 months :okay:

    Anyway, looking nice since I last played it.


  3. I suggest that maybe take out gold's secret? Its OP. People finish the map in 2 seconds even tho its a short map.

    It's already been nerfed, you die if you fall and it tp's you back to spawn if you finish. 


  4. This isn't exactly a secret but more of a map suggestion, would be possible to re add Tron? I loved that map, and the secret doesn't take you far in and kills you after 15 attempts, I really miss the map 


    And skypillar, but just take the secret out completely.. 


  5. >Avoiding the question because you know you're wrong

    I'm not avoiding, I said, I don't play stock maps, wheather they were floating or not, if they played the same they it's fine. map looks mean nothing to me, this is new deathrun, can't keep living in the past, if all maps were oldschool style it would be boring as fuck, old deathrun mapswere about 20-30 seconds long with only old. if that was deathrun now you'd have so many kids crying it would be unreal. a mixed variety of maps is best. apart from the ones where they have secrets to skip all the fucking maps... 


  6. So you wouldn't mind playing stock maps if they were all one texture and nothing could actually work in real life? As long as the brushes and models are in the same place?

    I wouldn't care because I don't play stock maps :dumb: 


  7. There was a kid on Raid saying why do raid still have old maps, then I said because old maps are better than some of the new crap today. he says Old maps = shit. You have no idea how much I was going to rant back to him... He was from pXg, so I can see why he thought that, an abusive server that only plays new maps with shitty bounces and secrets... 


  8. Maps like destiny, the music isn't shitty dubstep bullshit. I've played destiny with and without music, without it feels bland. When I put the music on (my favs 1 and 3) it fits the map well and works.


  9. I was thinking of adding something like sharpshooter to it, you get a random gun every 45 seconds, since it can either be a good gun ( e.g ak47 ) or a bad gun ( e.g rpg with only 2 rockets )



    In MW3 Dedi servers they have this, It adds variety to the gamemode:3


  10. why the hell people add music to their maps?












    deal with it

    It's not that it makes the map better, It changes nothing to the map or effects the map. Some people just like to have some music in the background instead of playing a map that feels boring and dead to play. I for one do not care about music as 90% of the time I listen to my own shit, but for other people they might like it. as for people on macs well. 



    You should do this :troll:




  11. BraXi, Remember that weird ass mod you made where the maps had to be like mp_yolo_mapname, wasn't it suicide survival? 


    Anyway, Infected I played the shit out of in mw3, But also in cod4 on console was mike myres, Dam the amount of time I spent playing that... #bringbackmikemyres :C



    Also beatthat, if you do ever finish it my guess you would make it so it gives everyone a different gun after everymap? so you aren't just using the same shit over and over again? .-. 
