
Why did you download/buy CoD4?

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Once you go Mac you never go back 


Good thing when he got windows, he was moving forward then i guess? unless he got windows vista :troll:


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It's a long story...

One day I was hanging out with some friends. We were just doing some basic dumb stuff like clubbing on top of buildings or trying to get the attention of cheer leaders. One of my friends bet me $20 that I couldn't do a backflip when one of them were passing by. Being the one to say never to a bet, went ahead and did it. She was moderate height and walking surprisingly fast as if she was in a hurry somewhere. Knowing that I had little time to complete my task went ahead and did a full backflip. She liked at me strangely for about half a second then she smiled. She said, "Hey, want to come to my house?" Greatly confused, I accepted her offer. My friends just stood there in shock while I gladly took the $20 out of Mikee's (Name of the one who had given me the bet) hand and walked with the cheer leader. Not knowing exactly what is going on, I just went with it expecting just a troll or prank. Estimating from the time we have walked, covered at least three miles. I said, "Don't want to come off as rude, but where do you live and how much longer will it be? Already starting to get dark". She replied with, "Oh, don't worry. Only a few more blocks and we'll be there". She then giggled when saying "there". Against my better judgment, decided to still follow her. We were directly off the most poor part of town and heading into the woods. Thinking that her family was too poor to afford a house and had a cabins in the woods, didn't question her about it in case of being a sensitive subject. We continued walking for about 15 minutes then I suddenly realized I didn't know her name. I asked, "By the way, didn't happen to catch your name back there, could you tell me?" All of a sudden, heard a loud crack as her head seemed to spin around, breaking the spine. In a ghastly and deep monotone, "it" responded with, "You shall be slaughtered, but I want a challenge. You will have a minute head start before I hunt you down and rip you apart limb by limb". Without even thinking, I darted off where I thought we had came from. Every tree seemed to look similar, so had no clue if I was actually making progress or going in a circle... I knew my minute was up when I heard a howl that could only be compared to the most demonic screech in h***. With low visibility due to it being night, only had view about 5 meters ahead of me. What seemed to be a miracle, the moonlight shined faintly on a cabin around 30 meters to the left. With no need to process what to do, I made a full out sprint to the cabin. It was fairly worn down, yet surprisingly had two floors. Reaching the front door, I twisted the wooden handle like a madman. To no avail, I ran to the window next to the door and tried lifting it with all my might. Only thing I succeeded in was breaking the bottom and gaining a few splinters. Knowing I had little time due to the howling getting closer, my only option was to hide beneath the porch. Almost yelled out in pain as the splinters grew deeper in my wounds as I crawled underneath. I laid there in complete silence... waiting... praying... Not sure if a miracle or curse, a cloud passed allowing for the moonlight to gleam on the cabin and the opening when "it" appeared. Could only make our partial features, but they were horrifying none the less. Had three bulging eyes emitting a glow at each one's core. The spine that I assumed was snapped is now split in half and hanging out from each side like twisted wings. What seemed to terrify me the most was that the arms and legs have seemed to fuse into a single limb connected to the torso, which remained the same still wearing the cheer leader outfit. Having no clue how it moved with a single bottom limb, it didn't take long for my question to be responded to. It astoundingly hopped around at a remarkable rate. Coming closer to the cabin, I remained as silent as possible while attempting to further back up in case "it" sees me. Still watching, the eyes beamed light then moved around trying to scan the area. I suddenly heard a loud crashed above me and thought I will be dead. Then another loud crashed emerged from above. Briefly confused, I then realized it was hopping up the small stair case in front of the cabin, I was still safe! Oddly, I heard a chant followed by the sound of a door creaking open. My only assumption was that it saw the busted window seal and thought that I was inside. What seemed like forever, "it" finally came back out and chanted the same thing again. This time I was paying more attention and it sounded like "Afgarshik". Knowing this could be my way in, I waited for what seemed like a hour until I thought "it" was out of hearing distance. Very carefully to avoid the splinters continuing their descend into my palms, I crawled out and make my way to the door. I uttered the word in a whisper and the door opened! Then I quickly started to panic as the creaking sounded much louder than I remembered. I walked in and was shocked to see what I have discovered. Corpses hanging against the walls with their rib cages pried open with their heads shrunked and hanging inside like a disgusting ornament! Only then when I was done analyzing what was hanging on the wall was when the stench of death and decay hit me like a truck. Covering my mouth and nose with my dirt stained shirt, I proceeded inside. What I saw next made me nearly vomit. The corpses of what seemed to be like a family where in what only I could assume in the living room watching an old fashion TV. The initial view didn't make me sick, it was when I realized that each part and limb was switched around and mixed! Having no interest in seeing any other horrors, I made my way upstairs. Disgusting me further, the banister was made of bones. Once reaching the second floor, was surprised that there was no corpses or anything else of that nature. Only seeing a single door, I made my way towards it. Surprisingly, it was unlocked and simple to open. Not knowing what waited for me inside, I ventured in. It was a simple room with pictures and news paper clippings around on the walls. When I walked further into the room, I saw a noose hanging from the ceiling. The noose itself didn't confuse me, what did was a book that was hanging from it in the middle. I first started with scanning the room and looking at the news paper clippings. They were all about a cheer leader's death in the 1950's from being killed from multiple shots in a shoot out with the police. For what reason, I did not know. The pictures were just black and white images of children... Rather odd to say the least. With nothing else in the room, I made my way to the book in the noose and took it. Suddenly, the noose burned into ash and once again I heard that demonic howling in the distance. Without knowing what to do, I attempted to read through the book in hopes of finding something to save me. First few pages were police reports about a teenage girl who would baby sit and then steal the children. None have ever returned to their families... Disgusted, I read more into the reports and how the girl in question was supposedly studying witchcraft. My guess was that whatever is out there, is a vengeful being or spirit of the girl. Further pages discussed her suicide in a cabin that her uncle owned. Next few pages were just about how the community and family reacted to this. While trying to flip to the next page, my finger felt two slight edges. Confused for half a second, I then realized that two pages were stuck together. Carefully, I opened them without ripping either. What I discovered chilled me to the bone. It was pictures of children that had written "Another lovely for my saint" next to them. Not wanting to know about became of them, I flipped to the last page. It was just a single word in the middle that says "Hurvkela". Not knowing what this meant, I heard a loud bang downstairs as the front door was bashed in. Panicking was what I was doing as each loud crash of "it" coming up the stairs drew near. I decided that the only thing for me to do was wait for my upcoming end... Wait, I suddenly pieced it together! If the chant "it" and I said earlier had some magical effect and opened the door, then the one in the book must as well. With no clue if my insane idea would work, I waited as the monstrosity came down the hallway with each booming hop. Finally, I could see it's grotesque head then body as it turned and entered into the room. "It" said, "You dare enter and violate my most dearest domain, I shall have you forever boil in the pits of gernadhu!" Suddenly, "it" lunged at me with amazing speed. With no other choice, I yelled "Hurvkela" and was dumbfound as nothing happened. "It" pounced on me and I could hear my shoulder break as a cracking sound emerged when I feel on the floor board. Knowing this is the end, I opened my eyes despite the pain and looked at the demonic form raising it's split spine cord to attack me. Then, "it" froze for a second or two. I couldn't see it at first, but ashes were revolving around it's neck..? Only a few more seconds for me to realize that the burned noose was reforming! Was further howls and new screeches of pain, "it" raised into the air then started to have crack lines appear on it's body. In a few seconds, "it" turned into ash as well and started falling back down towards me! I quickly rolled out of the way as the ash snowed onto the floor boards. Shocked that it didn't puff up, it remained and started to hiss while burning throw the floor. Knowing further witchcraft and demonic stuff is abound, I ran into the hallway and down the stair case out of the cabin. Turned back, the whole cabin seemed to be disintegrating into ash as well... Then the hissing continued! I watched in horror as the trees around started to hiss and slowly burn down. Feeling a breeze, knew I had to get out of there before the cursed ashes blow over to me. Running for my life, somehow only took a few minutes to exit the forest.. Knowing that my night of horror was over, I made my way back home while the sun started to rise. Within a few blocks, I saw a man waiting outside of GameStop. Curious, I asked what he was doing. Looking confused, assuming because of the way I looked, he said he was selling some game. Having $20 from the bet, I asked him what games he had. He replied with, "Only Cod4 or GTA3, both $20. By the way, suggest you see a doctor." I said, "I'll take Cod4" and he handed me the game while I have him my money. Continued making my way home and took an 16 hour nap when I finally arrived at my destination

Bit boring, but that's how I got/bought Cod4

Well, I finally read it all and It was pretty interesting.

I actually enjoyed reading it because It's like a horror story and I love horror stories.  

But, was this a troll Anti? I thought this was all real  :cry:


It's pretty crazy how you got CoD4...

I had a hard time reading it because of the small letters and no spaces  :angry:

Besides that I enjoyed my time reading it  :)




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I torrented cod4 because I thought it had zombies like cod waw, googled How to play cod4 zombies and found a rotu server (FNRP), and later found deathrun and joined FNRP, and after left to some other communities, like Raid. If I downloaded cod waw, I wouldn't be here today.


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Anti you should take a creative writing class. Was actually a pretty decent story :)


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@Kratos, wanted to double space it but would make it too long :P

Yes, was a troll in the form of a story

@Darmuh, I'm too nub for that

@Thomas, torrenting nub


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Incase you don't feel like READING anti's response, You could use google translate and have it read it for you :3't%20do%20a%20backflip%20when%20one%20of%20them%20were%20passing%20by.%20Being%20the%20one%20to%20say%20never%20to%20a%20bet%2C%20went%20ahead%20and%20did%20it.%20She%20was%20moderate%20height%20and%20walking%20surprisingly%20fast%20as%20if%20she%20was%20in%20a%20hurry%20somewhere.%20Knowing%20that%20I%20had%20little%20time%20to%20complete%20my%20task%20went%20ahead%20and%20did%20a%20full%20backflip.%20She%20liked%20at%20me%20strangely%20for%20about%20half%20a%20second%20then%20she%20smiled.%20She%20said%2C%20%22Hey%2C%20want%20to%20come%20to%20my%20house%3F%22%20Greatly%20confused%2C%20I%20accepted%20her%20offer.%20My%20friends%20just%20stood%20there%20in%20shock%20while%20I%20gladly%20took%20the%20%2420%20out%20of%20Mikee's%20(Name%20of%20the%20one%20who%20had%20given%20me%20the%20bet)%20hand%20and%20walked%20with%20the%20cheer%20leader.%20Not%20knowing%20exactly%20what%20is%20going%20on%2C%20I%20just%20went%20with%20it%20expecting%20just%20a%20troll%20or%20prank.%20Estimating%20from%20the%20time%20we%20have%20walked%2C%20covered%20at%20least%20three%20miles.%20I%20said%2C%20%22Don't%20want%20to%20come%20off%20as%20rude%2C%20but%20where%20do%20you%20live%20and%20how%20much%20longer%20will%20it%20be%3F%20Already%20starting%20to%20get%20dark%22.%20She%20replied%20with%2C%20%22Oh%2C%20don't%20worry.%20Only%20a%20few%20more%20blocks%20and%20we'll%20be%20there%22.%20She%20then%20giggled%20when%20saying%20%22there%22.%20Against%20my%20better%20judgment%2C%20decided%20to%20still%20follow%20her.%20We%20were%20directly%20off%20the%20most%20poor%20part%20of%20town%20and%20heading%20into%20the%20woods.%20Thinking%20that%20her%20family%20was%20too%20poor%20to%20afford%20a%20house%20and%20had%20a%20cabins%20in%20the%20woods%2C%20didn't%20question%20her%20about%20it%20in%20case%20of%20being%20a%20sensitive%20subject.%20We%20continued%20walking%20for%20about%2015%20minutes%20then%20I%20suddenly%20realized%20I%20didn't%20know%20her%20name.%20I%20asked%2C%20%22By%20the%20way%2C%20didn't%20happen%20to%20catch%20your%20name%20back%20there%2C%20could%20you%20tell%20me%3F%22%20All%20of%20a%20sudden%2C%20heard%20a%20loud%20crack%20as%20her%20head%20seemed%20to%20spin%20around%2C%20breaking%20the%20spine.%20In%20a%20ghastly%20and%20deep%20monotone%2C%20%22it%22%20responded%20with%2C%20%22You%20shall%20be%20slaughtered%2C%20but%20I%20want%20a%20challenge.%20You%20will%20have%20a%20minute%20head%20start%20before%20I%20hunt%20you%20down%20and%20rip%20you%20apart%20limb%20by%20limb%22.%20Without%20even%20thinking%2C%20I%20darted%20off%20where%20I%20thought%20we%20had%20came%20from.%20Every%20tree%20seemed%20to%20look%20similar%2C%20so%20had%20no%20clue%20if%20I%20was%20actually%20making%20progress%20or%20going%20in%20a%20circle...%20I%20knew%20my%20minute%20was%20up%20when%20I%20heard%20a%20howl%20that%20could%20only%20be%20compared%20to%20the%20most%20demonic%20screech%20in%20h***.%20With%20low%20visibility%20due%20to%20it%20being%20night%2C%20only%20had%20view%20about%205%20meters%20ahead%20of%20me.%20What%20seemed%20to%20be%20a%20miracle%2C%20the%20moonlight%20shined%20faintly%20on%20a%20cabin%20around%2030%20meters%20to%20the%20left.%20With%20no%20need%20to%20process%20what%20to%20do%2C%20I%20made%20a%20full%20out%20sprint%20to%20the%20cabin.%20It%20was%20fairly%20worn%20down%2C%20yet%20surprisingly%20had%20two%20floors.%20Reaching%20the%20front%20door%2C%20I%20twisted%20the%20wooden%20handle%20like%20a%20madman.%20To%20no%20avail%2C%20I%20ran%20to%20the%20window%20next%20to%20the%20door%20and%20tried%20lifting%20it%20with%20all%20my%20might.%20Only%20thing%20I%20succeeded%20in%20was%20breaking%20the%20bottom%20and%20gaining%20a%20few%20splinters.%20Knowing%20I%20had%20little%20time%20due%20to%20the%20howling%20getting%20closer%2C%20my%20only%20option%20was%20to%20hide%20beneath%20the%20porch.%20Almost%20yelled%20out%20in%20pain%20as%20the%20splinters%20grew%20deeper%20in%20my%20wounds%20as%20I%20crawled%20underneath.%20I%20laid%20there%20in%20complete%20silence...%20waiting...%20praying...%20Not%20sure%20if%20a%20miracle%20or%20curse%2C%20a%20cloud%20passed%20allowing%20for%20the%20moonlight%20to%20gleam%20on%20the%20cabin%20and%20the%20opening%20when%20%22it%22%20appeared.%20Could%20only%20make%20our%20partial%20features%2C%20but%20they%20were%20horrifying%20none%20the%20less.%20Had%20three%20bulging%20eyes%20emitting%20a%20glow%20at%20each%20one's%20core.%20The%20spine%20that%20I%20assumed%20was%20snapped%20is%20now%20split%20in%20half%20and%20hanging%20out%20from%20each%20side%20like%20twisted%20wings.%20What%20seemed%20to%20terrify%20me%20the%20most%20was%20that%20the%20arms%20and%20legs%20have%20seemed%20to%20fuse%20into%20a%20single%20limb%20connected%20to%20the%20torso%2C%20which%20remained%20the%20same%20still%20wearing%20the%20cheer%20leader%20outfit.%20Having%20no%20clue%20how%20it%20moved%20with%20a%20single%20bottom%20limb%2C%20it%20didn't%20take%20long%20for%20my%20question%20to%20be%20responded%20to.%20It%20ast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<-- This link. Is FUCKING HUGE.


My Story is very similiar to darmuh's, Except i watched Jericho's Vid :dave:


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i torrented cod4 cause it was one of the few games i could run on my shittop, enjoyed it still playing for 5 yrs, later one of my friends gave me 2 legit codes so i could play on the promod servers , gave one key to paradise and he got it banned ...


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2011: I got the first GPU of my life - AMD Radeon 6670 HD

Curious to play all the good games I wanted, quickly torrented all those popular games: GTA IV, GTA TBOGT, GTA TLAD , Assassins creed series, Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands, NFS The Run, etc and finished them all.

Then there was this hype about the release of CoD MW3, so torrented it as soon as it launched. Finished it. Tried the multiplayer option, didn't work (because no mp crack available just after release).

Frustrated because I wanted my hands on call of duty style multiplayer - thought that CoD4 is relatively old and must have been cracked already. Torrented, finished the campaign, found a guide on making multiplayer work.

Shit, it worked. Fragged like a noob on big 64 player servers (with all default settings, cfg, fps 60 and field of view 65 D:)

Carried on like this whole year

2012: Got pb to work - learnt about cfg stuff and mods - my lil brother tried this game and randomly joined a deathrun server playing on map apocalypse - mfw.


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Shit, it worked. Fragged like a noob on big 64 player servers (with all default settings, cfg, fps 60 and field of view 65 D:)



Let me guess, your cod4 looks like a cartoon so you can see players more clearly? :troll:


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Let me guess, your cod4 looks like a cartoon so you can see players more clearly? :troll:


You mean 'looked', right?

Nah I couldn't see much xD


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Well I saw Gawley played Deathrun and I got interested to the mod deathrun so I installed cod4


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Wow, that bump all the way back from July  :o


Anyway, I never used to play call of duty when I was younger, but once Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was released it attracted a big big audience and my dad bought the game and I used to watch him play it while he had his clan battles. He told me that if I wanted to play it I had to save up money for a while and get it. My £2 a week allowance saved week after week until I eventually bought the game on disc and got home to a slow pc that could barely hand paint. 


But even though my pc was slow and laggy and I couldn't see anything in the games, I didn't care, the game was awesome in every way to me. And then I found out about modded servers, seeing "zombie" in the title of the server made me go crazy, I joined it and fell in love with the novemberdobby zom_db mod and never played stock again. Until I then found player vs player zombies on the AfterLife.Gaming zombie server in 2008. 


Shortly after all of this happened from the release of Call of Duty 4 (2007) to the end of 2009, my parents bought a family PS3. I grew away from my pc, I played on the console for a few years, even bought cod4 on the console to play it on there with no lag... 


But then IT happened. I tried out pc gaming again and I remembered why I loved it in the first place. The mod support, the free will on the games, the fact that you can do anything on a pc and still run games while doing so. So I found my old cod4 cd, installed the game and cd key, rejoined the AfterLife zombie server in 2010/2011 and the nostalgia took over. The game made me so happy at the time and the server was brilliant with a great community. 


Eventually, I found a place in AfterLife and met Lossy, Fearz, Wofles (he joined much later on) and some other people you may not know from here. I grew in the ranks of AfterLife until I became a senior admin (second highest rank), I was almost an owner of the community. But then they closed the zombie server and moved over to GMOD. It wasn't the same, slowly, they added more and more rules to ruin the fun on their servers. Suddenly admins were allowed to do whatever they wanted and get away with it so long as they said 'oops' after it. So I resigned. I didn't want to be a part of what the community had become. Shortly after resigning, the admin who was the same rank as me at the time was promoted to a super admin, he now owned the community.


But luckily, I have my little family over here at Raid-Gaming from a few of old friends and a lot of new ones too. And to this day, I still play cod4 with that same CD key from back in the old day. (I just don't have the disc anymore so I have to crack singleplayer ;_; )


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Saw jericho playing deathrun on blur, wanted to try it, met awesome people (ansity if you read this I love you). Got addicted and haven't stopped playing since


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Bought cause i liked it on ps3, played nuketown 24/7 a lot but the server got shut down and moved to 3xp. Then discovered 3xp had a deathrun server and that where i learnt to play.


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Wofles (he joined much later on)


That's such a nice story except when the bit where you met Lossy and you talked about power-hungry admins.

My story isn't as sweet as Troll's and I go pretty unrelated into my aL history but whatever.


I got CoD 4 for ROTU, I came from CoD5.

The day I got it was really nice actually. It was Christmas and I went over to my cousin's for dinner and gift-giving. It was pretty nice (except the carrots soaked in apple juice or something) and a good day overall. I had asked for CoD4 for Christmas because I had seen videos of before the dawn (zombies mod) and it intrigued me. Later I'd go on to find out every BTD server is pretty much closed but I still found ROTU. Anyway, I left early because it got boring quick, you know how it is at family gatherings X_X. I don't think it had snowed but it was one of those cold quiet nights, very peaceful.


I got back home and I was very eager to install CoD4 (Oh how sad) and I did. Then, I found the patches and downloaded those. Back then I had pretty horrid internet speeds so it was a pain but I installed the patches and was ready to shoot some zombies. I dunno why I wanted to play ROTU so much even though I had access to custom CoD WaW zombies, it just looked so fun. Then, when I joined a random zombie server, I was greeted with more downloads of maps and mods. When I finally got in, it was me and this other guy on that tiny Simpsons ROTU map. It was a blast (a lot better than it is for me now, probably because it was new to me). Even though I was shooting undead AI, I still felt relaxed and cozy.


Later, I found Jericho's deathrun videos when looking at the recommended videos section after watching a CoD4 zombies video looking for IPs. I believe that's how it happened anyway. When I watched Jericho's videos, I was like 'HOLY SHET' and joined the IP instantly. The first server I played was... iceops. Probably the worst server experience I've ever had. I was at prime noob stage and the people back then treated me like sh*t. I didn't like the server (I have nothing against it now) so I googled to find another server. That's where I stumbled across's forum post where braxi announced the new 1.2 beta server. I thought "omg beta exclusive cool!" and once again, instantly connected. I think I found myself playing bounce when I connected but I'm not exactly sure... I kept playing and met some really nice people. The nicest person I met there had to be this dude called 'imtroll'. I'm not even kidding, he was the kindest admin there. He gave me his steam but I was hesitant to add because back then, I believed he was a troll. I'm not joking. The only other person  I can remember is Jules I think, sorry to all the other admins at the time :*


Anyway, I went to the forum of the server after being directed by 'imtroll' (I think) and introduced myself. Everyone at the forum were really friendly and I just kept checking at posting. Somebody told me I should I apply but I wanted to wait until I had more than just the minimum requirements (10 posts etc). I applied when I had 21 posts and after a lot of 'good lucks', I was accepted within.. 2 days or a week, I can't remember. One or the other ;) That's when I became a member of AfterLifegaming. I then met BraXi on ruin v2 and questioned if she he was the real one (yes I thought she was she back then). Later, I added him her them on xfire and when they accepted, I felt honoured. Then I went on to meet hawk- NOPE let's skip over that  bit!


Another noteworthy character I met was the legend Darmuh. Darmuh V1 (the map) had been on aL deathrun servers for ages and when he joined on the map dungeon after Nova stopped, I questioned if it was the real darmuh, the one that made the map. Of course, he was freaked out, I WONDER WHY HMMM. I was nearly a mod for aL deathrun but that's not important. I won't go into the gmod history because that's boring..


blah blah skip a year or two of failed servers, retired admins and two unappreciated erotic stories I wrote, I heard of raid and visited the website back in the day it had a 1.1 server, I didn't know any of you back then ^.^. Then, I finally joined Raid after my brain realised aL was crumbling to bits in February 2014. Now I'm here, with all you guys and I couldn't be happier :*



read it you lazy bitch


p.s Didn't do proper paragraphing sorry  :P


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I watched Gawley play deathrun, downloaded it cracked, then about a year ago Zack bought me it on steam, that's about it.


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That's such a nice story except when the bit where you met Lossy and you talked about power-hungry admins.

My story isn't as sweet as Troll's and I go pretty unrelated into my aL history but whatever.


I got CoD 4 for ROTU, I came from CoD5.

The day I got it was really nice actually. It was Christmas and I went over to my cousin's for dinner and gift-giving. It was pretty nice (except the carrots soaked in apple juice or something) and a good day overall. I had asked for CoD4 for Christmas because I had seen videos of before the dawn (zombies mod) and it intrigued me. Later I'd go on to find out every BTD server is pretty much closed but I still found ROTU. Anyway, I left early because it got boring quick, you know how it is at family gatherings X_X. I don't think it had snowed but it was one of those cold quiet nights, very peaceful.


I got back home and I was very eager to install CoD4 (Oh how sad) and I did. Then, I found the patches and downloaded those. Back then I had pretty horrid internet speeds so it was a pain but I installed the patches and was ready to shoot some zombies. I dunno why I wanted to play ROTU so much even though I had access to custom CoD WaW zombies, it just looked so fun. Then, when I joined a random zombie server, I was greeted with more downloads of maps and mods. When I finally got in, it was me and this other guy on that tiny Simpsons ROTU map. It was a blast (a lot better than it is for me now, probably because it was new to me). Even though I was shooting undead AI, I still felt relaxed and cozy.


Later, I found Jericho's deathrun videos when looking at the recommended videos section after watching a CoD4 zombies video looking for IPs. I believe that's how it happened anyway. When I watched Jericho's videos, I was like 'HOLY SHET' and joined the IP instantly. The first server I played was... iceops. Probably the worst server experience I've ever had. I was at prime noob stage and the people back then treated me like sh*t. I didn't like the server (I have nothing against it now) so I googled to find another server. That's where I stumbled across's forum post where braxi announced the new 1.2 beta server. I thought "omg beta exclusive cool!" and once again, instantly connected. I think I found myself playing bounce when I connected but I'm not exactly sure... I kept playing and met some really nice people. The nicest person I met there had to be this dude called 'imtroll'. I'm not even kidding, he was the kindest admin there. He gave me his steam but I was hesitant to add because back then, I believed he was a troll. I'm not joking. The only other person  I can remember is Jules I think, sorry to all the other admins at the time :*


Anyway, I went to the forum of the server after being directed by 'imtroll' (I think) and introduced myself. Everyone at the forum were really friendly and I just kept checking at posting. Somebody told me I should I apply but I wanted to wait until I had more than just the minimum requirements (10 posts etc). I applied when I had 21 posts and after a lot of 'good lucks', I was accepted within.. 2 days or a week, I can't remember. One or the other ;) That's when I became a member of AfterLifegaming. I then met BraXi on ruin v2 and questioned if she he was the real one (yes I thought she was she back then). Later, I added him her them on xfire and when they accepted, I felt honoured. Then I went on to meet hawk- NOPE let's skip over that  bit!


Another noteworthy character I met was the legend Darmuh. Darmuh V1 (the map) had been on aL deathrun servers for ages and when he joined on the map dungeon after Nova stopped, I questioned if it was the real darmuh, the one that made the map. Of course, he was freaked out, I WONDER WHY HMMM. I was nearly a mod for aL deathrun but that's not important. I won't go into the gmod history because that's boring..


blah blah skip a year or two of failed servers, retired admins and two unappreciated erotic stories I wrote, I heard of raid and visited the website back in the day it had a 1.1 server, I didn't know any of you back then ^.^. Then, I finally joined Raid after my brain realised aL was crumbling to bits in February 2014. Now I'm here, with all you guys and I couldn't be happier :*



read it you lazy bitch


p.s Didn't do proper paragraphing sorry  :P

Ermahgerd I'm in yourstory!


Hmm.. I wonder why you left the Hawk part out...  :awesome:


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Ermahgerd I'm in yourstory!


Hmm.. I wonder why you left the Hawk part out...  :awesome:

and he forgot the part where he promised to get a mic 2 years ago  :angryarnold:


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Same as Staab really, saw gawley play deathrun, thought it looked cool, and asked my dad for his PC copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, (He had a mac) and he said yes, played on blur, then eventually came here :3 Not very interesting I know.


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