
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Grezwal

  1. Where will you be gaming and how often? Will you be gaming away from a station that you regularly visit or will you be playing like on a bus or something.


    If you are going to be moving around and gaming in random spots and not at home or a dorm i would suggest getting a laptop that will do everything. 


    If not get one that comes with a base either it be fan cooled or the water cooling in the new fancy gtx 980 laptop.


  2. bye, I'm shedding my blue skin to turn pink. 

    Anyway, now that i've ascended to the higherplains i will be leaving raid and and focusing on other things, Ie. my job and goals. 

    I'll frequent the forums to see whats up but thats about it. Raid is changing and i don't want to be apart of that change. I'm changing aswell. Sorry, this is goodbye. I might hop on the servers every once and a while, but i doubt it. Raid has been good to me, but its time for change, and this is my first step of letting go. 


  3. ***************************CLOSED*************************





    Okay, so i got a game and I REALLY don't want it.


    So, I'm going to have a competition, or a random pick.



    The competition goes like this. If you want the game in order show that you are truly interested into the game.

    Create a story that is enjoyable. The best story will recieve the game. 

    Be creative!




    Should i pile names into and pick the winner randomly?


    Please post if you are interested.


    Voting will end Wednesday Decemder 2nd! 
