
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Grezwal

  1. How many of you guys are stoked for windows 10!?! I AM!!


    Alright, i want to know how many of you guys are excited about windows 10 and what feature that you will be looking forward to the most. I am looking forward to the Xbox one cross platform with PC feature. I'm also looking forward to Cortana, maybe she can be my girlfriend. HEHEHE

    Anyway, I'll give you guys my opinion, i think that windows 10 will be the greatest operating system that Microsoft ever releases, given that it won't be very glitch day one. I also think that many cool things are going to come out that will make the experience of PC better as well as giving the "console experience" to PC players. (there's not much to be seen about console) I have mixed feelings about the cross platform feature, I'd like to hypothesize that you can make it preferred that you want to play with PC players only or console players only, a mixed lobby could be cool. I'm personally interested to see how they are going to balance that PC players will gain playing with a mouse and keyboard rather than a controller, which obviously gives you limited mobility.
    BLACK OPS 3?!?!?!

    So, its kind of obvious that Black ops 3 will be windows 10 compatible, but i want your guys opinion on if you think that the cross platform play will be a good idea on a Call of Duty game. I think the advantage for PC players may be too high. It is however confirmed that windows 10 does allow developers to make games cross-platform from PC to Xbox one. Do you guys think it will happen? I'd personally enjoy it but I'm curious to see what you guys think on the subject. Will you be able to buy your games on steam and play them on Xbox one!?!? Who knows, i can't wait the anticipation is killing me!






  2. Pretext:
    I am reapplying now because my real life problematic social interactions have died down and i can finally make time to play cod4 and be a helpful admin (IMO) and i'd like to come back and help out.


    Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

    What is your real name?: Noah

    What is your in-game name?: Grezwal

    How old are you?: 16

    What is your primary server?: ALL OF THEM

    What is your B3 CID?: 165

    What is your Xfire?: Grezwal

    What is your Steam?: Grezwal

    What makes you a good admin?: I play frequently, I know the difference between malicousness and trolling. In my real life i frequently deal with social interactions and discipline. (i am in Boyscouts)  I can spot a hacker from a mile lightyear away.  I am trustworthy,loyayl, helpful, friendly, curteous,obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and AWESOME.  I AM ALSO 1337 SNAPCHAT! I have been playing cod4 for quite some time since  2011 and i have greatly enjoyed the game, Whenever i see a hacker i always do my best to contact an admin or make a report. As you can see i also made THIS  As you can see i am passionate about keeping servers and gameplay fair. I DO NOT SHOW FAVORTISM. If a player is breaking a rule I ENFORCE IT. I have very many demos almost 300 plus of players cheating. If i ever needed to prove and justify why i have banned a player i can immediately pull up the demo and show them the proof  of hacking. (in order to prevent hackers from regaining server access) Since I understand the rules and know them all i follow.


    What skills do you have?: I can edit videos and a little gfx, I am still in the process of learning programming languages.  ( i will not show any of my creations or show my progress till i gain some 1337 skills) I can consecutively stay up for longer than 48 hours. I play promoid when i can and can gain a quite acknowledgable Kill death ratio. I also do quite well in highjump servers, I can gain a high Kill death ratio on there aswell.  When it comes to Codjumper, all i can say is meh. I can multitask quite well,   I MADE THIS

    What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I have been in many communities,, I am in I-G. NiNJA Gaming. I was a mod for a short while until i applied to be a clan member after leaving FISH. I have also been an admin HERE. I was also a promod member in iCE (a branch of iCEOPS) I have had great times in all these communities and have reported/BANNED hackers in all of them. 

    Why should we choose you?: I'd like you to choose me since i have been an admin before, I can spot hackers quickly, I frequently check servers for hackers.  Recently since i have finished summerschool and fixed my grades in school i have been logging onto the server and frequently i have seen players being malicious.  I post on topics that i feel are interesting and challenge me for a reply, i hace acquired 305 posts, 2648 connections and ~ 400+ hours on the servers. I am a friendly player, and i do my best to treat others with the kindness they deserve. 
