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Posts posted by MiKeY

  1. so because anti was a nub i now have to suffer from this pink group color... :angryarnold:ARGH!!!


    trol can i retire from retired admins pls?


    Forum user okay? or have you donated :P hehe. If you really hate it then I can set it to your secondary group but I need something to replace your primary with.


  2. Just so everyone knows. I am working on the new member title icons. They are taking a little longer than normal being @Lossy wants rainbow. Typical :P. Hopefully should be done after work today. Member block to the left of the post content will also be getting a nice little upgrade :) 


  3. Hey Guys,


    Im Making a Mod how do i edit .menu files 


    I i cant then i have a reason this is my first time doing this


    It would be good to know what are you are trying to do but first you need to make a menu file either though looking through menu files and learning them or editing existing menu files.


    If you are editing menu files then you will want to add it to you csv file using:


    Once that is done build the mod. If you edit the file you will need to build the mod once again.


    Best of luck. 





    Before I show the results, I just want to thank everybody for participating in the poll and sharing your opinion. Obviously this is only going to work if cater it for people's needs/wants, not just if it's easier to do one thing than another.




    sorry for my amazing excel graphs, I just have nothing else to make graphs with ^^

    So, as we can see that the most popular choices for any competitions was by far gaming tournaments, however, some would be still interested in other competitions like giveaways/raffles, GFX competitions or knowledge-based competitions. On the other hand, for the events, the most voted event wase multiplayer games such as GTA etc, following that were Raid Servers (where we play on Raid Servers). Then, also, team gaming and web based games also had some interest.



    This is up to the current admins and Mikey (our lord and saviour). If a kind of system is even to be implemented is up to them, but as I said earlier, it'd be a great idea. If Mikey did choose to start some Raid events/competitions or trial it, I'd recommend to base it off of a highly voted option from the poll, as you would want as many people to be interested in the event or competition as possible. Anyway, that's all from me.



    Your plead has been noted and from your results I can see that its a thing that would benefit raid as a whole. We have a lot of plans for this year so maybe I and work something along these lines into those plans. Adding a calendar to our system would not be hard. Its just the planning and all the work that goes on behind the scenes. As for your ideas about things like raffles, That would be a great idea but the community would need to run them. Hell. You can do that now. Just go to suggestions in my site bugs and stuff topic category ( Here ) and request a new section. I will then work on getting that section moderated. It will need rules too. But raid simply does not have the income to be giving things out. Any money that comes in from our amazing donators goes straight back into our servers and improving the experience for you guys.


    But no, Really. This has been taken on board and I will start a more formal discussion with the other Higher up members in the community. Thank you for putting hard work into this.


  5. The time has come to promote a few people to Admin's as they have passed their trials!


    I would like you all to congratulate @Bl4z3 and @Light..


    Could the new admins please check out the admin section of the forums and make sure you read the topics within, as they are quite important to your role.


    If your name is not on this list then unfortunately you have not passed your application. 





  6. Ok,and so I'm sorry for my useless suggestion



    because i don't want people downloading stuff specially for changes GSC sided




    It's possible to import some very cool maps from combined operations like skidrow,terminal,seatown and many other into fun server? Maps with no glitch spots , invisible walls and suitable for the high jump.

    There are few maps in fun server ( I know,just said this in other topics) and those maps could give a breath of fresh air on it.


    This is not so much of a stupid idea. I really enjoy playing the fun mod and thats why I took some time out from the site to completely restructure and rewrite the fun server. I only got half way through it but now me and lossy are working on it together. We want to greatly improve fun server and that is what we are working on at the moment. But alone with this improvement we want to make a mod a little like the fun server but will all the things that we can not do now because we don't want to be running a mod. With a dedicated mod we could use dedicated maps and we should add invisible solids to make more maps safe with hight jumps.


    Nothing is set in solid yet about the fun server update or for the mod. But I just thought I would say that it is totally on our mind and we want to see what we can do. 


  7. The only reason i use the new theme is because on the old theme the log thingy http://prntscr.com/90c5i2 was not centered.


    this looks way nicer.


    And mikey for the love of god and his people throw this http://prntscr.com/90c5y9 in the graveyard and put this http://prntscr.com/90c6ad on the playing field.


    Much love,



    I have made that change just for you.




  8. Hey, I think you should add a thing so when you quote an image, it says image hidden and when you click on it, the image is shown. (like ugx lohul)

    This would stop people spamming a whole page if they quote a post with loads of images and it would help when replying to threads with big images like share you desktop :-)


    Yeah this is done now :) 


  9. overflow-y


    'nuff said. :dave:

    Would prevent you having to spoiler big code boxes. :yay:





    While on the topic, I'm not sure if anyone would agree with me here; but I think they should be a darker color? Maybe the default text color inside of the spoiler could be changed.

    this white kills my eyes

    Could try something like: 

    { background: #2f2f2f; }


    And done
