
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Gabe

  1. Nice to meet you to Hyper CoD :)
  2. would have donated £60 as well LOL

  3. I cant donate for the knife as my pay pal doesnt wqork FUCK

  4. yeah flashes shouldn't be giving hit markers neither should stun grenades as they dont deal any damage where as grenades do. I think hitmarkers for flash grenades and stun grenades started to be a thing when mw2 came out.
  5. This plugin avoids the annoying jumpers from shooting the activator before he gets teleported to the activator box, at the beggining of the round. Go into plugins folder and paste the plugin into the plugins folder. open your _plugins.gsc and add this line: Loadplugin( plugins\_nospawnshoot::init, "disables/enables weapons at beggining of round", "Gabe" ); have fun! @Gabe :gaybe: The file is attached in this thread
  6. No. Am i special? :gaybe:
  7. Obamacare uppercuts O'Reilly into the abyssal depths, while still sitting on the destroyed Japanese's elevator during a massive earthquake that shaked a quaint town which awakened Lossy while lifting him out of mandatory David Cage class. Obamacare then goes to school because
  8. Hey Guys, im starting to make a new map based on a garrys mod deathrun map and counter strike, called mp_dr_atmoic. I have played this map alot and will love to remake it for cod 4 so let me know what you think and give some suggestions on what to change in the new version.
  9. if there are 4 sections i will do maybe 2 parts with 2 sections in each part... and it is very time consuming to texture wafles..... and i dont have the patience to take the time and effort to texture it.
  10. ok, I have a suggestion, feel free to say other wise, but the mp_dr_atomic map that i am putting onto cod4 from a mapper that made it for counter strike, well i am probably going to make it in 3 parts, as you know ther are 3 parts to the map and as it has taken me soo long to texture this map and get all the traps working, i think that maybe the map is long enough for only 1 section to be played as only 1 map.... then the second section as a new map (would be called mp_dr_atomic_part2 or something like that), and the third etc... if you guys dont think it is long enough let me know and i will either carry on making the full map, or i will make 2 parts to the map, such as 1.5 sections for each part? Any way post your suggestions... ps: Video coming soon
  11. Hey Guys! Nice to meet you all again. Great to see new faces! Great to see Old faces! Great to see this community still up! Guess what?!? Lots of love :gaybe:
  12. Yeah! I know you :> but you don't know me :gaybe:
  13. i dont believe an english teacher, (that should know better) decided to break a major rule of ours... and in general a major rule on every game server...
  14. NNJ how could you? you were once a trial admin with me back in the day we were both besties :wub: but it ended like this? im shocked to be honest :(
  15. who wants my atomic map with scripts etc to finish re-skinning it and stuff?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Sentrex
    3. iMtroll


      "Experienced mappers" bitch please almost everyone here has only ever made deathrun maps, and that just requires a path for jumpers, a path for acti, trapd and maybe some detail.

      The real experienced mappers make full maps such as the stock gametypes (TDM, SnD, FFA, Demolition etc). People such as Rednose are the experienced mappers as they make maps, and not a path/trail.

    4. siikdude


      I say lZarTaX is the most experienced mapper :sponge:

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  16. the guy that made chunk and pyramid is my favourite mapper. :troll:
  17. :dave: the classic dave is my favourite.
  18. Happ anaversary everyone!!!! it is amazing to see what this community has become!! :happycry: and i am proud to be apart of it!
  19. you whouldnt be asking for scripts then copying, the way to learn is by experimenting, and taking your time to do the scripts, when i was first started helping sentrex he needed lots of help, i gave him cluesbut not the answers, then about a month later stronghold came out.
  20. am i still one of the top poster on the forums xD