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Posts posted by Gabe

  1. Just some updates' date=' the mod will be released very soon, not tonight unfortunately since I need to get hold off more images and fix some menu's/scripts D:

    Also Braxi is going to finish off the advanced custom character customization for us only(from what she said to me) and because ninja want's it really badly. It's much better compared to the one you get with the source files and it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAy less buggy as well. Here what it looks like so far - But I'll probably add this as a later date until i decide what i want to do with it, how you unlock it and learn some stuff from it, so that if anything does mess up or becomes buggy i don't have to keep nagging braxi all the time X.X

    I've also decided to remove prestige's and instead have 100 levels since prestiges is kinda useless for death run in my opinion and it will be much harder to level up as well! :D

    Oh and in case you want to know what the new menu design will look like this but of course more updated and less buggy, so you could say that was an alpha version :P

    I'll make another post tomorrow to keep ya updated.


    WOW, amazing can't wait. :yay:


  2. Hey guys it's me iMtroll! (Connor) the infamous and mischievous midget from London! I go by the aliases "iMtroll" "Valatore" "Letmehealyou" "Bonkproof Mullet" "Connor" "Midget" and sometimes I'll steal Beatthat's name on servers. I :ohyeah::ohyeah::ohyeah: myself over on CoD4 quite a bit and I play real life as if it were a game' date=' except the respawn stuff; I still haven't worked that out. ANYWAY HI, NICE TO MEET YOU!


