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Posts posted by Gabe


    let me proove a point... you let a hacker in your community and thats just messed up on your... shame on how you will look bad 


    telling us that we look bad :dumb:


    Dear all raid members + Staff 


    we feel crappy that we copied, ddosed you and even laughed about it. I want to apologize for stealing Destiny,. I'm sorry for Ddossing you guys because we were fucking dumb and getting you back realizing you guys did nothing wrong and we were the stupid idiots! 


    That^^ makes you look 1000 times worse than us.


    We aren't the ones apologizing for ddosing, stealing maps, copying looks, and more


  2. Favorite deathrun map?  mp_dr_lost (when it comes out)


    Favorite trap in a map?  Minigun trap on pyramid


    Favorite endroom in a map?  1 V 1 - Destiny


    Favorite secret in a map? Detained (all the trails)


    Favorite mapper?  Xenon & Darmuh (his soon to be released twitch map persuaded me for that^)


    Most detailed map?  mp_dr_lost (when it comes out)


    Hardest map?  Islands


    Best themed map?  Wipeout made by Inzor


    Least favorite map?  Everyone's first map on release :dave: (including me)


  3. I broke my headset, this is what i'm saving for.


    The vengeance may look nive however audio tecnica has always had my heart with the ATHM50s with their superior audio. i haven't ever tried the gaming headset but i feel as if it will blow my expectations out of the water in the performance and audio capability. Also Seananners uses it.

    you sir, got ripped off :dumb: dat stereo sound on $199 headset and the mic quality is not so good. :dumb:



    Mine as well as many others as I have suggested it in the past.

    I found out about them through my friend zach (zarmuh) who had them at his house. I thought they were good so I bought them. Turns out I was right, best headset i've ever had.

    Edit: forgot the picture LOL


    They're called Platronics Gamecon 780 ;)

     I like that headset, only problem is, they feel really cheap. But they sound good, both microphone input and sound output.
