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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Needs to get scaling right first. :ph34r: Good luck Zack! :)
  2. Thanks guys! :D I'm gonna run out of upvotes. :dumb:
  3. 10/10 - IGN
  4. Deathrun Essentials What is Deathrun Essentials? Deathrun Essentials combines pre-existing plugins (some were edited by myself) and the Essentials Menu (based of Duffman's VIP Menu) into one big plugin, which is easier to install and configure for server admins. (Some sort of plugin pack I guess.) All features can be turned on/off via dr_essentials.cfg. Some features (like the tomahawks by Rycoon) have additional settings to change to your likings. Features: (Green = Done, Yellow = WIP , Red = Not implemented yet.) Essentials Menu (Based of Duffman's VIP Menu, Fullbright and FOV changes are saved permanently as a stat) Party Mode (By Sinister) Killcam (By Phaedrean) Anti-GUID Spoofing (By Duffman) Hitmarkers (By Phaedrean) Tomahawk (Default: Activator(1) Jumpers(0)) (Originally by Rycoon, edited by me) No Double Music (By BraXi) Numerical Health (Originally by Bear, edited by me) Roll the Dice (Originally by Star, edited by Darmuh, further edits by me) Anti-Wallbang (By Viking) Anti AFK Activator (By Darmuh) Points System (Points can be spent in Essentials Menu) Everything can be turned on/off via dr_essentials.cfg (38 configurable options as of 3/6/2014) Gun Skins (Skins are just a little addition, anyone can easily remove them from the iwd) Screens: Essentials Menu: Gun Skins: (Credits to oXiDz, Quaddamage, Unknown, PhysUK, PowerPackage, olegskiller) Download: Dropbox: Mega:!YAhn2CjJ!ZJuUZoOnxyUqe1_WCRwK0CPIElTLnZ4VVPDzHK7elD8 Installation instructions included in the .zip, read "Readme.txt"!
  5. An ISP generally doesn't care untill the user gets in legal trouble, they're still making money off of him. Money makes the world go round. IPS and VB have other things to worry about, in general all they would do is try to make it harder to null their software (even then it'll still be an easy task so any effort to try and eliminate nulling is basically a waste of time, same goes for any company trying to prevent people from illegally aquiring their software, people will still manage to do so). Not gonna post links to Belgian authorities here but you can easily find where to report internet crimes by doing a simple google search. ;) (As a sidenote, Belgian governments stated earlier this month that people involved in the spreading of cracks or any sort of media that breaks the law will be searched for more actively and be punished more severely. They no longer don't give a shit.)
  6. Just gonna leave this here incase anyone absolutely hates Kevinos this much: Belgian government + file report + domain + proof of DDoS attacks + copyright infringement (nulled IPB + see next point) + illegal content posted all accross their website = Kevinos in jail (or atleast a long time of community service) cause he won't be able to pay the fine.
  7. This is an edited version of CoDScript Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text, support for all functions from has been added. I've also converted all uppercase first letters of auto-complete to lowercase (general coding agreement for C-based languages). Credit for the original syntax highlighting goes to Ingram from GitHub: How to install Sublime Text 2: Extract the CoDScript folder into %appdata%\Sublime Text 2\Packages. Sublime Text 3: Extract the CoDScript folder into %appdata%\Sublime Text 3\Packages. As with my utility functions, this will be updated whenever I add new functions. Download:
  8. I wrote some utility functions to make your life easier. This will be continuously updated (every time I add a few functions to my local copy). I won't update this topic every time I update the file as I would forget to do so half the times anyway, I will however keep this page updated with a changelog to see what functions have been added/edited. Instructions: Drag and drop the "jr_util.gsc" into your CoD4 raw/maps/mp folder. Open up your map/mod's CSV file and add this line to it: rawfile,maps/mp/jr_util.gsc Open the script of the map/mod you want to use these functions for. Add the following line to the top of your file: #include maps\mp\jr_util; All functions are documented inside the jr_util.gsc file. Download: (Uploaded directly to disk, no need for an account on the site if you don't have one.)
  9. As I said in TS, I'm willing to give you $30. ;)
  10. FNRP rules are bullshit, prohibiting someone from swearing is like telling a girl not to bitch at you when she's on her period.
  11. Jeez, grow up. No need to attack Lossy like this.
  12. Navigate to C:\Windows, right click System32, click delete.
  13. Fuck the clans, viva Raid reboot. :dave:
  14. special() { trig = getEnt( "special_trig", "targetname" ); for(;;) { trig waittill( "trigger", player ); player giveWeapon( "deserteagle_mp" ); player giveMaxAmmo( "deserteagle_mp" ); player switchToWeapon( "deserteagle_mp" ); } }
  15. See, I'm a nub. NOW GIVE ME NUBS GROUP ON TS3! :angryarnold:
  16. Yes.
  17. You said you did in the MOD folder, not your RAW folder. The compiler will load scripts from your raw folder, not your mods folder, therefore it'll throw an error cause it can't find the script in root/raw/braxi. Lossy please... Imagine having to do that for like 25 functions every single time you want to compile reflections. Edit: Wait derp, obviously you meant comment out the entire script. :dumb:
  18. Add _rank.gsc from the mod into root/raw/braxi.
  19. Initially was making some sort of snow castle map for the mapping contest, changed my mind and started mapping on this yesterday: Starting to take shape. :dave: Will update topic every time I make some progress. :3
  20. Lol, previous shout got deleted. Looks like someone's butthurt. Anyways, I'm fucking done with bullshit here, so I won't be around 'till I can be fucked to deal with it again, cya.

  21. Wait, you think this is all? Lol. Going to make 3 lanes and connect them in the middle. :dave: