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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Counter Strike and Gmod community is actually somewhat mature compared to CoD4s community. :dumb:
  2. More than one activator gets really annoying when trying to play tactical... Most people just go and activate traps or don't activate at all, but there's a few who actually bother to activate on people and get the most out of the traps. With multiple activators, those who just run and activate everything will leave nothing to the tactical guy and free fags will rage at actis who activate even more than they do already. Replaying maps is a big no for me too, we're all sick and tired of the overplayed maps already. Imagine playing 2-3 games of the same overplayed map... Ye... No...
  3. That moment when you have 4+ x more subs than this douche. :yay:
  4. :dumb:
  5. After a long and boring weekend finally able to go back to school and see my friends. :D #NoHate #ILoveSchool

    1. Tinman


      @Lossy You were doing something wrong then :dave:

    2. Headdy


      argh, school.. ;s

    3. Robin


      ye school is fun:)

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  6. Bruh... Bruh! I cba to do shit. :dumb:
  7. FFS... Inb4 Drizz comments on this thread saying he can beat me up. :troll:
  8. You know something's wrong when you upvote Bosnian.

    1. jwofles


      Is helane a girl?

    2. Lossy


      yes, she's fucking my troll, that bitch.

    3. Purity


      troll wishes she was fucking him :troll:

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  9. What can I say, beer is tasty. :dave: M8, obv we all need to fuck random bitches we don't give a shit about. :dumb: PS: I need to get my shit sorted, I upvoted Bosnian. ;-;
  10. 1) I hate weekends/holidays/... cause I need my friends around me. 2) I used to have excellent grades but no friends, now I have bad (getting better though) grades but plenty of friends. :dumb: 3) I hate my teeth, have had to go to the dentist way too many times. 4) I drove a bicycle into our pool when I was 6 to evade our dog. 5) You do not want to ask me dumb questions, I will laugh. 6) I hate bananas, mayonnaise and most vegetables. 7) People call me squirrel, do not ask me why, I have no idea. 8) I eat A LOT but barely gain weight. 9) I'm skinny af, 45kg. 10) I refused braces because I didn't want to sacrifice 4 healthy teeth eventhough my bottom teeth could really use braces. 11) I've not had my wisdom teeth yet and never will according to some x-ray-type-thingy. 12) I get lonely easily, my worst fear is to be alone for the rest of my life. 13) My parents divorced when I was 7-8 (can't remember exactly, cba to calculate), ever since I've not heard anything of my dad, not even on my birthday. When someone asks me about him I say he's dead to me, cause honestly, he's a cunt in my eyes. 14) Only times I don't get drunk when going out is when I'm with my best friend to prevent myself from saying or doing things I would wish I'd never had said or done to her. 15) When I go out without my best friend I do get drunk as fuck and do and say things of which I won't know I did or said untill the next day when my friends tell me about the shit that went down. 16) I'm good with girls (apparently), unless I actually have feelings for someone, then I become this nervous, non-talkative idiot. 17) People make a big deal of sex, fuck that, I'm a proud virgin who's waiting for the right moment with the right person. 18) I make fun of teachers on a daily basis, some of them don't take my jokes as well as others though. :dave: 19) I hate grammatical mistakes, but make a ton of them myself. :dumb: 20) These facts were boring as fuck.
  11. Welcome back lord nubcake! :gaybe:
  12. *sigh* +1, such a meaningful comment that really adds to the topic, would've never expected this from you Bosnian!
  13. I find this a pretty amusing conversation: I highly encourage everyone to join in the conversation and facepalm with us:
  14. Bosnian l2 spoiler

    1. Cat


      imagine l2 cat

    2. iMtroll
    3. Arnold


      troll l2 troll

      :angryarnold: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!

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  15. Kids these days be like: "I'm gonn' DDOS u, I got yo IP!"

    1. MrBigKnob


      just because youre jealous

    2. ~Budzy~
    3. Pixel


      The fact that you're referring to programs is amusing. All programs are pretty much shit. Simply buy a dedi, get some pre-coded perl scripts, and you can ddos. Or even better, google stresser and purchase power and time when you register!!! Welcome to the world of skiddy ddosing where people think they run the internet

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  16. Coding class = nap class ;-;

    1. Lossy


      smoke weed whilst coding = lots of code done

    2. atrX


      k, u gib me weed losseh

  17. fx_enable 0 plz :dave:
  18. @Above Do it. ;-; I myself am currently studying IT (mainly for the software portion) and am hoping to be able to pursue a career related to software development or game development (if not game dev then that's defo something I'll be doing in my free time as it's something I still quite enjoy). Teacher I have for coding class noticed today I was way ahead of the others in my class and gave me different excercises. :D Game dev is something I've been wanting to do ever since I started playing games (Ratchet & Clank I <3 you forever), but realisticly, I would have a hard time moving to a different country and leaving my family and friends behind to pursue a career in game development (no single studio in Belgium, atleast, not any really known ones, mostly indie studios :/), so I think I'll end up keeping game dev as a free time thingy.
  19. I was joking m8. :dave:
  20. GIVE US YOUR MAPS!!! :angryarnold:
  21. Lossy and rednose clean desktop pl0x.
  22. Map looks nice so far! Agreed.
  23. Happy waffle day wofles! Have these Belgian waffles which I totally baked! :3
  24. Brb, grabbing FF Extractor. :dumb: Edit: Thanks for the giggle. LOL! ^