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Everything posted by atrX

  1. ERMAGHERD TROLL!!! Good luck Mr Connor. :)
  2. No, just "self". :dave: Forgot the comma in my post which might have confused you, or you're just trolling. :dumb: What's not a function?
  3. self iprintLnBold("^9Badman!"); self GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp");
  4. Yes, if you replace players with self, as players wouldn't be defined by this script. ;)
  5. When a player spawns it'll thread the Guids() function, so all you need to thread in main() is onSpawn(). ;) Just something to show off how to use it.
  6. Yes, that means you're adding unnecessary functions which is equally big of a mess... Always keep your code short (if possible), nice and clean. Anyways, here's probably one of the most efficient ways to go about it: Just in case you're still looking for a good one. :dave:
  7. > Spawn Your script would become a mess with multiple GUIDs, I'd recommend using a variable to store the player's GUID.
  8. You can use Maya 2012 and newer too: ;) Good tutorial nevertheless Bear!
  9. Nvm what I said, formatting was weird and got me confused cause else was on the same amount of tabs (idk name k) as your while() loop. I'm bad at reading. :c I iz nublet, sry guyz. :okay:
  10. It is broken though:
  11. If that is your script then you should l2 script Lossy. :troll: Think Zack modified it though cause even though you're Lossy, putting else behind a while() loop is not something you'd do. :dave:
  12. Erhm, nice... I guess... GG on putting else after a while() loop. :dumb: You're also providing your whole Guid to anyone to get with this script. This is (in my opinion) a way too specific script, should've given him a general script like I did which he could easily implement. Are you calling guids() on a player entity? If so, change player getGuid() to self getGuid(). ;)
  13. Don't know exactly how you wanna use it but getting a player's Guid and checking if it's a certain Guid goes like this: Guid = getSubStr(player getGuid(),24,32); if( Guid == "last 8 digits of GUID here" ) { // Do stuff } Make sure you don't do something with it that gives players advantages though... ;)
  14. Dis guy... Nub leader of nub community. :troll: Good luck Mario! :)
  15. Hi, Can You got Better Grammar If U can Have i Could Read without Brain hurting . i dont Ask Just for Good Grammar if you could use Search Button Would Help too :) Thank u For U Have Good English. Just kidding, you can find tons of plugins here: And here:
  16. Dis nub... Good luck Dolph1n. :3
  17. Looks quite sexy. :) I see you still haven't rotated the textures on the beams further, suggest you'd do that as now it looks somewhat weird and takes away from the beaty that this map is. :c For you noncollide problem: Selection -> Make Structural.
  18. That's as ignorant as people in the server saying Twitch is not a deathrun map.
  19. Not guaranteed, you still have to get to the jumper and knife him without him escaping. ;)
  20. Really? They're blocked? :c There goes a trap idea... :/ Edit: Actually, I could still do it with Hud Elements. :dumb: 1. You're calling me dumb for a trap idea, yet you can't form grammatically correct sentences? 2. A TRAP. 3. People who can script client hooks would've scripted it themselves. :dumb: Telling me you'll ban me for a trap idea is flatout stupid and calling me dumb and dumbo makes you seem like a 12 y/o. Learn to respect people who make maps for your mod. I'm not gonna start another argument with you, if you can't live with me making a never before seen trap for a new type of map, then leave this thread. Leave me alone, I will do with my map what I want, making a WH trap is not against any rules, it's a map element, not a hack. But oh well, I guess you don't want activators to enjoy the traps they use and just give free?
  21. K, updated with screenshots, not a lot but k. :dave:
  22. Should be 'sound/song.mp3'. ;)
  23. Eh, you're classed as immature if you behave immature, aka a ton of people. :dave: