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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. Why the fuck does everything have to be about religion?
  3. Hacker applying for admin? :troll: Good luck Axo! :3
  4. HI MOOK!
  5. init( modVersion ) { level endon( "round_ended" ); level.fx[ "burn" ] = loadFx( "props/barrel_fire" ); for(;;) { level waittill( "player_spawn", player ); if( player getGuid() == "GUID" ) player thread trail(); } } trail() { self endon( "death" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "round_ended" ); for(;;) { playFx( level.fx[ "burn" ], self.origin ); wait .1; } } Should work.
  6. Good luck FaZe Feddy.
  7. Good luck Loki.
  8. Good luck nub!
  9. Good luck Hana. :>
  10. Aaand denied.
  11. iMnub
  12. 1) Use hud elements or Menu files to draw stuff on the screen. 2) NEVER force ANY sort of clientside dvar that wouldn't reset to its ORIGINAL value on anyone, people will hate you for fucking with their configs. 3) You're using the incorrect function to set a clientside dvar and are supplying insufficient arguments to it as well as a non-existant dvar name ("cg_drawfps1" is not a valid dvar, it's "cg_drawfps"). Is suggest looking into how a function works before trying to use it.
  13. CD key is stored in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Activision\Call of Duty 4\codkey so if you have an export of what was in the registry like you said, you can just use the value from that key.
  14. Lightshot saves to imgur nub. :dave:
  15. It's an open system, anyone can submit a tutorial for review. :dave:
  16. Finally a use for all the shit I wrote ages ago... :dumb: @@Shield
  17. :D

    1. Hana.
    2. siikdude
    3. atrX


      I should say lol instead, y u call me faggot for being happy cuz is school again. :c MEANY!

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  18. Erhm. // XP bar menuDef { name "xpbar" rect BOTTOM_RECT_X -8 640 480 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN fullScreen 0 visible 1 /*itemDef { visible when( dvarstring( ui_roundnum ) != "" ) origin 320 455 forecolor 1 1 1 1 exp text( "^3Round: " + dvarstring( ui_roundnum ) ) textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textscale .36 decoration }*/ itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 0 640 8 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM origin 0 0 background "white" forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 visible when( !dvarInt( "wideScreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 2 540 4 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM exp rect W( 640 * ((stat(2301)-stat(2351))/(stat(2352)-stat(2351))) ); origin 0 0 background "scorebar_fadein" forecolor 1 0.8 0.4 HUD_ALPHA visible when( !dvarInt( "wideScreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 0 854 8 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM origin 0 0 background "white" forecolor 0 0 0 0.25 visible when( dvarInt( "wideScreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 2 720 4 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM exp rect W( 854 * ((stat(2301)-stat(2351))/(stat(2352)-stat(2351))) ); origin 0 0 background "scorebar_fadein" forecolor 1 0.8 0.4 HUD_FOREGROUND_ALPHA visible when( dvarInt( "wideScreen" ) ); decoration } HUD_TICKER( 0 ) HUD_TICKER( 1 ) HUD_TICKER( 2 ) HUD_TICKER( 3 ) HUD_TICKER( 4 ) HUD_TICKER( 5 ) HUD_TICKER( 6 ) HUD_TICKER( 7 ) HUD_TICKER( 8 ) HUD_TICKER( 9 ) itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 0 36 36 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin RANK_ORIGIN background "rank_icon_bg" forecolor 0 0 0 HUD_ALPHA visible 0 decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 2 2 24 24 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin RANK_ORIGIN background "rank_rec1" forecolor 1 1 1 HUD_ALPHA visible 0 decoration } } Taken from Deathrun sources. Edit: Wait, we're talking about two completely different things, aren't we? @ If you want the +5, +10 etc to have a different colour, look for self.hud_rankscroreupdate.color in _rank.gsc and change the values of those. If you want to change the colour of the XP bar then change the materials in
  19. You can edit the colour in
  20. So because one person on the internet says something it must be correct? Please... So if this person would say jumping out of a plane without a parachute is healthy, you'd agree? Didn't think so. Nothing is proven until time and time again research shows it's true.
  21. Congratulations, that statement must've taken you a decade to come up with. You simply can't not urinate, it's basic biology... Doesn't have to be in a shower though... You know, there's people who actually think it's a disgusting thing to do... Not even going to bother with this, not worth my time.
  22. Staan! Let's hope you don't get banned again. :troll: