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Posts posted by DeadEcho

  1. ******* script runtime error *******
    type undefined is not an int: (file 'maps/mp/mp_dr_music.gsc', line 45)
     playLoopedFX(level.bolt, 0.05, (5440, -160, -864));
    Error: started from:
    (file 'maps/mp/mp_dr_music.gsc', line 17)

    My server crashes when loading the map ...


  2. You made a new jump room yay :D


    Btw, the map is ok, the secret should be one chance only. The traps are cool except the last one, after 1 round I figured out that you always need to jump to the disappeared platform. I also don't like custom guns. Doesn't add to map anything, the usual m40/r700 would be great instead. I like the two end rooms also.


    Overall its a cool map, keep up the good work ^^


  3. Hey guys, Sorry for the bother but i was wondering if anyone out there can make this attachicon.gif6219142167_e45781a098_b.jpg the size of 140kb? so i can put it as my profile picture, or make anything that looks like that so i can have a profile picture :D, i suck at photo shop and have no idea how to optimize pictures and stuff.... just because im nub, so i was wondering if any of you guys can do me the quick favor :)


    The size of it is 157kb ATM.



    Congratz to your first post in Raid Community, for picture resizing use any of the image viewers, google is your friend.


