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Everything posted by siikdude

  1. r a n d o m
  2. i thought this was pretty funny
  3. not official

    gmod: dark rp.
  4. The way you write triggers me. Is English your first language?
  5. Oi

    who r u
  6. rick and morty
  7. i've seen enough of these keyboard posts on reddit. do what sharpienero said :angryarnold:
  8. h e l l o
  9. k
  10. h a p p y b i r t h d a y a p p y happy birthday buddy :) b i r t h d a y
  11. dont hate the player hate the game bruuuuuuuuuuuv
  12. The code that i'm most proud of is when I created a working elevator like this: I know it's not that hard to do but back then I was new to coding and I coded it without looking at anything. I just remembered the functions and what order to do it in. Also attaching the brushes together when moving and then detaching them when the elevator stopped was cool as I just coded it in and it worked first time.
  13. good luck
  14. Corporations do not think like this though. I think its too much of a hassle for Microsoft to really do anything about this but if they had the chance they would defiantly ban all piracy on their product even if they already get a lot of sales.
  15. There is no desire for mw2 right now. I suggest playing more recent/relevant games. Also I see your past videos awith not too professional
  16. just saw a kid in front of my house get arrested for smoking weed and there was 3 cop cars...america

    1. Moseph
    2. Triton
    3. siikdude


      there was 2 kids. they got pulled over when they were in their car. they looked 17-18

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  18. The drop on this bit of jack u's mix is awesome. wish they'd make it in a song
    1. siikdude


      NVM i found the bit:

  19. Go away feed me those downvotes