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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. Don't want to burst your bubble, but iMtroll said BraXi has now resigned from Community Manager :C
  2. That problem should hopefully be fixed when the new admins come into place :> The FUN server isn't my most favourite of servers, but I'm willing to play if it helps
  3. Even though its a troll #Anti4CommunityManager!
  4. Not enough written down, shows lack of ability to write a decent application Spend time on it! Good luck though c;
  5. How does one csgo?

    1. Cloudy


      I have no money, so gg lol

    2. Ryan


      nice job staab

    3. siikdude


      The game though isnt about skins and opening cases. If you want to have fun, just play the game

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  6. Great guy, recommended from me He's a lot of fun in-game and is a top notch nub. Good luck buddy
  7. Doesn't deserve it, so much NUBNESS Anyway, Always there to clean situations up, if this is actually a proper application high recommendations from me, Always a nice person, deserves it Good luck Auntie <3
  8. 1.) FIFA <3 2.) Call of Duty (4, 5, 7, 9, 11) 3.) Runescape 4.) More Runescape 5.) Even more Runescape
  9. Jeremy Clarkson gained major lad points that day A petition was made, and over 800,000 people signed it to get him re-instated, and I think it will happen, so this isn't the end of Top Gear (hopefully)
  10. Welp Eastenders Hollyoaks GG
  11. King of the nubzors He's nice, active, a nice guy, tries to enforce rules when people are abusing them Like JWofles said, admin material ;) Good luck
  12. Good luck! Always a pleasure in-game and out (xfire etc) Deserves the prestigious Admin role!
  13. Not as godlike as Anti's C: Anyway, good luck Loki!
  14. Welcome to the forums Enjoy your stay
  15. One of the best people I've met Certainly deserves the Admin status Good luck <3
  16. Here's me with only one C: Aero Chord - Surface (1:40) Trap End Round
  17. I don't consider getting tired of doing all the work as "dropping out" personally I would've stayed at Quantum if they had a better community, considering each and every admin bickered, and many were inexperienced. Also my retirement from Raid was to originally quit cod4 itself, and it didn't go according to plan, obviously, maybe instead of completely retiring, I should take a break every few months or so, for a week maybe in order to keep my un-dying will to play deathrun. But anyway, thank you everybody.
  18. Good luck A nice guy, been an admin before, and probably deserves it again :>
  19. Well, hello there C: I look forward to beating you on Deathrun Enjoy your stay on the forums :)
  20. Good luck mate! Always a pleasure in-game
  21. Hello and welcome to the forums C: Enjoy your stay
  22. Did he ever say there was...? He was simply stating that its giving him autism for all this childish and unneeded behaviour
  23. Lol We appreciate your apology as a community, although please stop being the #DramaBoi because it seems like every thread you make is all Drama, and most threads aren't even needed
  24. The amount of ellipsis's used in that sentence... :troll:... <3... Now back on topic; In all honesty if this is taken by another script, you really shouldn't be releasing it as your own, neither taking any credit for something somebody else has made, although if you genuinely didn't steal any scripts, and the "Additional Helpers" did, then that's not really your fault Apologies if I have read the situation wrongly
  25. You already have my heart :wub: Next you can have half of my possessions ;) But you can have my interwebs