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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. Hello everyone, this is my one year anniversary, and leaving of the game itself: Call of Duty has become a massive part of my life for the past two years, I've met new people by going onto the internet, I'd like to think I'm friends with everyone here, and sorry to depart. and resign from Admin, I've also learnt many new things, like Menu Scripting (Going to carry on) Making some class websites' and becoming a decent deathrunner' Aside from me learning new things, I've also become an admin with my time here, and loved it, I've become friends with people who I wouldn't of if I weren't admin, such as other admins, and the community managers, as well as other amazing people! Sorry to depart at a time like this, but there's nothing to keep me playing anymore, I'll still be quite active on the forums, dropping in once or twice every day, due to it being my daily thing. And back onto a high note, it's my one year anniversary! I'm glad to have been at this community for so long, it's amazing! A fellow Blurian, Peace!
  2. I'll miss you all! <3 Thanks for the kind words, if you wish to play any other game with me just hit me up on my Origin - TheUnknownCloud / Steam - cledi / Xfire - cloudy197 / Skype - matthewkemp18 Thanks for all the lovely memories which i'll keep with me forever!
  3. Happy birthday bby!
  4. Hello everyone! This is a thread where you post on what you'll think you're going to get for Christmas! Everything else is pretty self explanatory, or you can look at another thread for rules etc. So my thing is; A Gtx 980 Intel I7 4790k Gigabyte Mobo (Will update the motherboard type and everything later)
  5. PIZZA <3 (Hot n' Spicy) Hot n' Spicy has; Scotch Bonnets, jalapeños, Sausage Meat, Salami, Yummy cheese <3, and sum chilli beef P.S: I love spicy food :3
  6. I'm still here! I wont leave for a while to come yet. Anyways, good luck Synd! I hope you the best in your life plans, and will hopefully see you around! Goodbye! :c
  7. Yes Does Anti have a pet called Auntie?
  8. Title says it all, going to take a break for a couple weeks, will be back after Christmas, school is hectic at the moment with all my exams, and I don't really want to play CoD4 that much anymore, I probably wont be on the PC that much either. (P.S I'm not quitting CoD4, but am only taking a break, and if you see me on steam playing F1 2014, I'll only be playing that at the weekend due to my league races every Sunday, and I may hop on for half an hour or so at the weekend, this is on cod4 <------) I'll see you guys soon! <3
  9. Ahem, here's a chicken wearing a hat:
  10. Just went to Portman Road to watch Ipswich thrash Leeds 4-1! Best game of football we've played all season!

    1. Cloudy


      ITFC... IPSWICH!

    2. Cloudy


      We love you Ipswich, we do! We love you Ipswich, we do! OH Ipswich we love you!

    3. QueNNch


      Didn't know you were talking about football until you I read the word "football" :P

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  11. Bye Grezwal! Was nice meeting you, and hopefully you succeed in your life goals @ school! Raid will miss having such a great admin :>
  12. Congratulations JR-iMtroll, Synd, PsychoBastard, Dolph1n, Purity & Drazy, welcome to # ABOOSE LAND (I have no idea why my text is blue, but it looks kewl :3)
  13. Hehe! I'm just so fast! Lossy needs to take off the special speed he gave me! :troll:
  14. Happy birthday DeadEcho! Why do I always forget the bloody ; !@#$($$_(_($!$@##@!@!@!@!@!21?#?#?@/!/!?@@ iPrintLnBold( "Happy Birthday DeadEcho!" );
  15. Happy Birthday mate!
  16. My bad, apologies for the confusion. Need to read more carefully next time.
  17. Oh, is it DR only or CO as well? :o Sorry for being mistaken.
  18. I also believe Lossy's new admin system will recover this incident quite easily.
  19. I installed skyrim yesterday, played it for about 7 minutes, quid the game and uninstalled it.

    1. Tinman


      Haha awesome! :>

    2. Lossy


      Fuck FC4 and fuck ubisoft, bitches think im going to pay on uplay just to get the game?

    3. Kryeternal


      Pretty much of waste of money, but I know how you feel.

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  20. No (CoD4 all the way) Which cereal do you prefer? Yes for Cheerios, No for Wheetabix.
  21. No Do you like crumpets?
  22. Same as Staab really, saw gawley play deathrun, thought it looked cool, and asked my dad for his PC copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, (He had a mac) and he said yes, played on blur, then eventually came here :3 Not very interesting I know.