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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. I cba'd to put descent music on, so i just put some crap on which came with camtasia studio 8
  2. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay at Raid. I hope to see you around!
  3. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay with us at Raid, I hope to see you on the deathrun/combinedops/fun server often!
  4. Hello, welcome to the forums! have a enjoyable stay with all of us here, I hope to see you on the servers ;) Glad to see you apart of this community.
  5. Nice updates ;) Darmuh, very nice job on the activator system, it seems to work flawlessly. Also nice new skins Xenon! they look pretty cool.
  6. Welcome to Raid! Have fun on the servers! I look forward to seeing you in-game.
  7. Thanks for this opportunity :) I wont let you down.
  8. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: MatthewWhat is your in-game name?: CloudyHow old are you?: 14What is your primary server?: BothWhat is your B3 CID?: @30What is your Xfire?: cloudy197What is your Skype?: cloudy197What is your Steam?: Ipswich2What is your Origin?: fishcone4567 + cloudy197What makes you a good admin?: I'm mature, I've had countless experiences with moderating a server, literally everyone knows me on Raid Deathrun, I play Raid [fun] server for about 30mins - 2 hours a day, and the deathrun server around 4-6 hours a day. I'm not on the teamspeak server a lot since my Mic is broken (I'm actually not lying, if I could prove it I would ;D, and that I can't join any of the channels yet ;c) Other than that, I know when somethings ''fair'' to a player, such as if someone says a swear word, I know some people who would kick them straight away, but I would give them atleast 3 warnings and if they carry on to do that bannable offense it wouldn't result too good for the player.What skills do you have?: I don't have many skills as such which may benefit you, but i am a current learner of mapping and GFx i.e Photoshop and Cod4 Radiant. But please take notice of the word *learner* because I can't suddenly make a map in like a month, like lets say Wingzor or somebody, but GFx wise I can make things useful if someone gives me the idea of where to start, I'm not one of those people who imagine things all the time, like ''I wonder if fairy's were real?'' I also have no experience in scripting, but I would like to learn!What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I've been in the Blur community since the start of my 'Deathrun career' and non cod4 wise, I've been playing Runescape for about, 5 years, but then I got banned due to me buying coins and such, (because of the Evolution of Combat, which turned it into another MMO which has no difference to WOW or something) and back onto the cod4 genre, I was in the Styx community for a few months (Styx recruit) but then left because codjumper got boring after a while and that I had some household issues. And i'm now currently in the Raid community :> I thought that I wouldn't bother mentioning any servers which I've been to for a few hours or so, because there's no point to be honest, but if you'd like me to edit this then I would.Why should we choose you?: I'm trustworthy for the 'Admin' role, I have experience with moderating servers, not such b3 wise, but I'm sure I would figure it out ;) Also I'm friendly to other players, I know which is right, and wrong, f.e (for example) if someone decided to cuss at someone then I wouldn't kick them straight away, I would give them a fair few more chances, and if he carries on, It would result in a kick/ban/temporary ban. I'm also quite mature, and if I do get the opportunity, I'm sure I wouldn't disappoint you in any way shape or form, I also have a good sense of humor, so I know if someone is joking or saying it seriously.
  9. Edit isn't working for some reason, giving me a error. But what I was going to say, was that the headphones didn't come today unfortunately, and my dad contacted them to see what was going on, and they said it will be delivered monday! so, yay :D (I'm also going to be away on monday, going to my mums for the night and staying there until tuesday) so you wont see me then :)
  10. Thanks guys for the good responses, The day has finally come, i've ordered a mic (which should of been here today... :<) but will hopefully come tomorrow, so then I can bellow down your ears with crap which I don't even know nothing about :D Hope you're all excited ^^
  11. It would be nice if they were a an unlock (level 50 or something) but yeah, I agree, i love the free run hands, I like the way how they look, and I tend to strafe better like everyone else says :D Darmuh; for the Wolf/Dog characters, nobody really uses them because you can't pick up weapons, you only have the freerun hands :< So if there could be an update for that, so you get the freerun hands, and you can pick weapons up when in a sniper room, I think everybody would buy vip ^^
  12. I got my name from ''Cloudy with a chance of meatballs'' Some pics of the film :) EDIT: I genuinely got my name from Runescape, while trying to find a decent name for Runescape, I was thinking, 1cloudday, so I stuck with that for a while, then I decided to change it to Masscloud, due to a clan I was in. And then when I started CoD4, I was playing around with names, and had 1cloudday for a while, but then decided that wasn't good looking, or very mature, so I eventually came up with the name "Cloudy > Matt" Then I didn't want people to know my name so I changed it to Cloudy.
  13. He's a good guy, most of the time, he thinks that I have hacks because of my strafe (I'm really not sure if he's joking or not, if he's joking he doesn't make it obvious :D) Anyways, goodluck, would make a descent admin.
  14. if you're going to get a second gaming monitor (that's if it's a second gaming one) then I'd recommend you either save up for the amd r9 280x, or the Gtx 770. Good gpu's for the prices, and are quite good when doing dual monitors. Or, I think this is the best option, is just get the same gpu you have already, and put it in SLI, only if your motherboard supports it, and if you have enough psu power. Remember, two gpu's in Crossfire will work better with dual monitors than the higher end gpu's. so you'd probably be getting the Gtx 780 Ti - Amd r9 290x performance with those in Crossfire. Here's the performance of the Amd radeon 7850 Crossfire, vs the Gtx 780 Ti: They come pretty close! I hope i've helped with your decision.
  15. Looks like an addicting game, let me try it! :) 3rd try, got 1305, dunno how to screenshot so :D Awesome songs etc
  16. When you make a bounce, is there still this kind of, fall damage? Because I noticed that yesterday and it can't allow you to do bunnyhops etc, I always thought you fixed it by turning on godmode for everyone.
  17. I'm just going to pretend I didn't see that PC. by any chance do you have any houses for sale near you? with google fibre possibly? :)
  18. You guys are all lucky little poo heads.... :<
  19. I love it.
  20. Lossy told me on xfire that he's having some issues and he doesn't know why, so be patient people! :D
  21. Happy birthday mate!
  22. Welcome mate, i already know you, but Hai! :)
  23. I'm good thanks mate, school days as usual :<
  24. Hey! seen you in-game, you're a nice guy, hopefully if i fanboy you 24/7 you'll give meh dis ice-cream :> Anyways, Welcome to the forum mate, hopefully this community for-fills your needs! :awesome:
  25. I started basically the same time as you! and I was 13, 4 days ago... :dave: Anyways, glad to meet you, and i hope you have fun in this community! Welcome.