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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. Looks like a nice map, i'll test it either late tomorrow, or in the morning on Monday, going to a pinball show tomorrow! :) The screenshots are nice, I've always liked terror, and this reminds me so much of it! I hope this is amazing. You have high expectations from me GCZ|Slaya
  2. I've been waiting a long while for this now! I hope this happens c:
  3. Hello, this thread is about the delay time on the deathrun server, and how we could improve it... So basically I think it would be a good idea, to have the delay, but shorten the ''Round Starting in...'' time, so if the delay is 2 seconds, then it could be shortened to 2 seconds instead of four, the ''Round Starting in time) because then we don't have to wait that extra two seconds, just a suggestion :)
  4. Don't crash... be safe :) Have fun too.
  5. A prestige system would be nice, once you progress through level 70, at the end of it, you have the option to prestige, and maybe get a little extra perk? maybe more icons to gain once you've prestiged, and a sign saying what prestige you are etc. And once you have the option to prestige, you have to do like, !prestige or it could be implemented in the menus, so when you've progressed through level 70 (basically becoming level 71) you have the option to prestige, and there could be 10 prestige's or however many is necessary.
  6. I like this map a lot :> the general idea and how you've came up with the traps is quite amazing! :) I hope to see this on Raid.
  7. to get your B3 ID just type !register and then !regtest in-game.
  8. I have been playing deathrun for a year... :> but, thanks for the great comments :) #prewness
  9. You made it sound so... true! #kingoftrolling
  10. You missed me out :c But I hope your future is great. I feel the force is strong in this one... :)
  11. I wish I could be more active on teamspeak, but unfortunately my mic is broken, and Zack knows that, because he tried to fix it, so i'll get some new headphones soon, and be the new squeaker :3 (Birthday in a couple weeks, so i'll use some of my money on buying some headphones!) also I don't join teamspeak because i don't want to be that guy who just sits there listening to everyone. And gosh, wow, I never knew I was that good at the Fun server :o that's kinda a surprise :D
  12. I don't know why I'm doing this, just thought it would be a little fun. So basically, we all post in this thread, saying what we want to grow up when we're older. But with this, you say what you're actually going to grow into, like a troll or something like that, so i'll go first; When I grow up I want to be a tooth-fairy. (and then it carries on until this thread eventually stops being viewed and so on) And that's it... :dave:
  13. Oh yeah, I guess I didn't think about rushing the activator, should of thought about it a little more before I posted this thread :dave:
  14. I don't think you know what i'm trying to put across, i know what they're used for, but instead of the round starting in 4seconds, it could be two seconds, since the delay time is two seconds so then the activator still wont be shot, because there's still a delay, and we don't get less time to get to the door which opens (Like on IndiPyramid, there's hardly any time for us to get to the door, and adjust ourselves for the strafe over the top)
  15. That's kind of the point which i'm trying to get across with the map time limit. It would be nice if that could be implemented in some way ^^
  16. I know, but it would be nice to still have a timer on a map, so it doesn't get overplayed that much :>
  17. I think that there should be a timer, on a map for 1hour/1hour 30 minutes because often on other codjumper servers, there's always these maps which get overplayed and they stay on that same map for near enough 3/4 hours. just a suggestion :)
  18. This doesn't deserve to happen to you, you're a nice guy, but get well soon!!!! I'm fortunate to never have had anything broken in my life, maybe I've cut myself (by accident...) a few times, now i realize how lucky I am.
  19. These are two of the houses I built on the Minecraft server! come join us! the IP is
  20. God luck, very very nice guy, played with him on the deathrun server, cool dood :>
  21. Good luck Loki <3 ^^^^^ :>
  22. Good luck with your build, it's very good. can't wait until the benchmarks and screenshots :) hopefully nothing blows up while you're building it :dave:
  23. Here's mine... nothing special :>
  24. Good luck, seen you a couple times on the Fun server and Deathrun, cool guy, never really socialized with him much, but good luck! okay, just seen the other comments so, this is unintentional spam... sorry.
  25. I don't really like music in a map, but if all of this is based around a circus, then it would work quite well with some goofy music in the background :)