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About NNJ

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  1. wow such a great troll man, you got me!
  2. nothing happened to me in c4s, elphane... you were the one who used aimbot Not gonna talk about this here though
  3. be more careful when fapping next time.
  4. yes :wub: should I get server manager back?
  5. yeah, lossy managed to break a ton of web shit though ...
  6. yeah gabe I made a mistake, only thing I can do now is not make another one
  7. woooofles I unbanned you right after c:
  8. lol this is on homepage, I'm famous :D
  9. uhm rebooting your server changes nothing at all with DNS
  10. [12:30] belophron: hello raider fun unlimited ban on a server due to fraud will not be repeated seven, I'm sorry I have to do anymore

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Headdy


      ^ I think it's belophron

    3. NNJ


      that pic is of former raid Ninja o_o

    4. Lossy


      welp, i have no idea what that statement means lol

  11. It's a secret for now, you can add me on steam if you really want to know..
  12. Too busy making a really big mod, forgot about it :S
  13. Anyway, he fits an English teacher, handsome, smart, beautiful, amazing. - JWofles

    1. PC.
    2. Headdy


      I don't want to be rude, but my english teacher is an old woman and she's definitely NOT handsome :P

    3. jwofles
  14. Hmmm, I wonder if english teacher counts :D