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About Nzxa1

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  • Birthday 09/24/99

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  • Location
    Atlanta, GA

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  1. #BlackSamuraiiForAdmin2015
  2. I'm on vacation at the moment so therefor I can't play. I will be home in a week see everyone then.
  3. this one time I was walking when I saw two hobos fighting in the back of a Denny's parking lot, then Bill Nye exclaimed, "There's a snake....." while pumping a radioactive pump, meanwhile a huge throbbing heartbeat that could shoot Seabass, started shooting Seabass because he ate the special seabass diamond which was located in a woman's
  4. Very nice guy, Really enjoy my time talking to him. Also very skilled in mapping. Good luck!
  5. Good luck, Very nice and pleasant to talk too.
  6. Admin applications Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?:Jake McDonald What is your in-game name?:Jake How old are you?:14 What is your primary server?: Raid Deathrun. What is your B3 CID?:4860 What is your Xfire?:nzxa1 What is your Skype?:jakemcd1999 What is your Steam?:Nzxa What is your Origin?:none What makes you a good admin?: I think I would be a good admin because I would keep the peace in the server. I would help resolve arguments, welcome new players, and help people in need of help. Although I haven't been an admin before, I have been a moderator on a server and I can apply those skills to the admin position. I'm also on the server at regular and very off times, (Can range from 12 AM- 5 AM). What skills do you have?: I have no skills in GFX or mapping, can learn if need. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I have been apart of nC, but I have left it. Why should we choose you?: I would help keep the arguing and disrespecting of other playing down and the cheating/rule breaking. I have in the past gotten into to fights with several people, I have stopped fighting and started ignoring them and or made friends with them. I also get along with most admins on the server and play with them also. I'm also getting my new PC soon which means i'll play more then usually. Thank you for considering - Jake
  7. Thanks mean a lot. Thank I'll try my best.
  8. Nice too see you also. Same I don't usually have to go on Fridays be we have to make up snow day D:
  9. Thanks m8 Hello sir and we you get your xbox back we need to play sometime (if it works ;) )
  10. D: I said I dont have a farm :(
  11. lol all good.
  12. Try my best not get raped...
  13. Yes I am.
  14. Hello my name is Jake McDonald (no I don't have a farm). I'm 14 years old and have been playing games for 2 1/2 years. I've been playing Raid somewhere around 2 and half 3 months and i really enjoy it on here. The majority of people on Raid are extremely and pleasant. I've meet some very nice people through Raid. I'm coming up on my first year of high school soon. Any advice i'm kinda scared. Well see everyone around.
  15. How is everyone of Raid? How has all of your days been going? I'm new to the forums so I wanted to post lol.