
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Zack

  1. @Darmuh is to lazy to upload the mod to the dedi.
  2. Oh my god Anti.. I love you so much more in a non-homosexual way. I LOVE ALL THOSE BANDS AND SONGS.
  3. Oi cat, where's ya picture? I still have that gyazo shot of tinychat..
  4. Aye, long time no see. Anyways, if you're trying to port them into CoD4, you can always get weapons from here: Just look for the weapons, download them, and put the files from the .zip file, into the corresponding folder in your CoD4 directory. Add my Xfire if you need further explantion: zackthepanda
  5. Setup the Modtools to Map - Basic Scripting Tutorial - You're Welcome :B :wub:
  6. Welcome man! I see you've met Anti. Be careful, he tends to bully you a lot. ;__; So many sad nights, of crying myself to sleep.. the horror...
  7. he is big bullie 2 me............. i reported 2 xbox tho so is all okei.. Good Luck nublet, would be a good admin. :wub:
  8. Don't believe so, I believe it's you. You actually went through the afford of changing your IP to get back on? Also, here guys is Exotic admitting his life is ruined because he was IP banned:
  9. hapy bithday u lil shit
  10. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! DARK<33333333333 Welcome Back :B
  11. Anti, lowering 14-year old boys self-esteem levels since 1999. ;_; :dave:
  12. 10/10 Best intro on Raid Forums.
  13. lel u swegfeg :>
  14. Here's my work in order: Released Maps: mp_deathrun_velocity (Reminds me of horseshit. Ali Salad scripted for me :HEUHUEHEUHEUHE:) mp_deathrun_inferno Unfinished Maps: mp_deathrun_revolution (First EVER deathrun map. I recommend not looking at this one unless you want your eyeballs melted from your skull. ) mp_deathrun_void (80% Finished) mp_deathrun_twist (90% Finished) mp_deathrun_galaxy (Was 70% Finished until .map file broke) mp_deathrun_blueberry (Darmuh's update of cherry. Me and Gabe worked on it, and changed it to blueberry :dave: ) Annnnd, a bunch of other maps that I had ideas, then got to a brainfart, and never finished. So, yeah. Let me know whatcha think. :wub: I will update with images later, for now, I have some league matches to play.
  15. Maybe something like this? Lossy's would work, but this is a bit shorter of a script, and does the same thing. Not sure if it's what you're looking for though, but you can try it?: threadname() { self endon("death"); self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "joined_team" ); self endon( "joined_spectators" ); fov = getEnt("trigger_fov","targetname"); while (1) { trig waittill( "trigger", player ); wait 0.1; if(player isTouching(fov) && player isOnGround()) { thread fov(); } else() { break; } } }
  16. Not really, just your post wasn't the slightest bit funny. This post is for people who actually post their face, not some google image they find.
  17. That was beautiful Anti.. Thank you.. Anyways, I guess he's alright, can be really annoying at times, and also a bit cocky, but I don't know, guess that's just him. >downvotes for opinion >logic < 0
  18. oh. well.. shit.
  19. Just kidding ofc.
  20. Did you link it to self.origin? fx() { trig = getEnt ("trigger_fx" , "targetname"); trig waittill("trigger", player); iprintlnbold ("sentrex is nublet"); while(isAlive(self)) { playFx( level.fx , self.origin ); wait .1; } } I tried helping Gabe with this earlier.. Not sure if it will work try testing it
  21. Eh, who cares. Just a reminder to anyone who has forgotten. Plus, links are here. :)
  22. Ah! Thank you, darmuh, requote my post please. fixed now.
  23. mp_deathrun_semtex songs: Main Song: Sniper Room: Lava Room: Skryx & Felxprod feat. Complexion - Find You mp_deathrun_inferno songs: Song 1: Song 2: Song 3: Song 4: Song 5:
  24. I really like this map. I suggest making the lasers a bit thinner like cuba said.
  25. Alright man, i'll add you when I get home, at school at the moment. :dave: Any way you could add an updated video?