
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Zack

  1. motherfucker just tell us lol. it's probably something obvious that I didn't notice, because everything looks fine with that.
  2. Hallo, I need a name for my quadcopter that i'm making in school for engineering class. I'm looking for names, and things to engrave into it, like on the top, or side. I'm only making the frame of it, not the whole thing, here's a picture of the design: Taking all suggestions, nothing to MLG please c: PS: If image, make sure it's black and white, and simple. school's laser engraver can't do colors. gimmie links aswell. kthxbai PSS: have this done by like tomorrow because i need to cut out the frame tomorrow twith the laser engraver kthxbai again
  3. troll pays lossy monthly for admin good job admins :dave:
  4. Applications are closed. You can't apply right now, sorry
  5. Thanks for letting us know man :D
  6. isn't even a snowman
  7. is shit mod maker/editor :troll:
  8. sweet, now i know the dvar to hack raid, thanks pc
  10. I didn't choose for my soul to be dark, the soul choose to be dark. :dave: Anyways, thanks for the birthday wishes all!
  11. Thanks guys! :D, and Tinman, what if I don't. WATERYOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT PUNK.
  12. Lossy almost had a stroke for Christs sake. Man oh man Gaben..
  13. What?
  14. *map file corrupts* please tell me you make backups regularlly ;o
  15. Yes please.
  16. Downvoted because reached max amount of Positive Upvotes
  17. Well, I've been looking at flights, and the cheapest I can find there, and back. If anybody wants to help me:3 : Harrisburg, Pennsylvannia TO London, United Kingdom
  18. How much does it cost to add another person to the room? i don't wanna stay with staab he'd kill rape me ;-;
  19. >mfw i also put down 1 adult, 1 kid. not sure if I can stay in a hotel room by myself. asking mom if i can go to united kingdom with friends for the weekend, will post response :')
  20. It'd be sweet, i'd go if I could, not sure how much it'd cost to travel to the UK.