
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Zack

  1. I came. Beautiful ;-; I might just redownload Cod4 just for this when this is released..
  2. Yeah. Do you like waffles? i liek wafflez.
  3. wat uh noyes Do you enjoy long walks on the beach looking at the sunset and rainbows?
  4. No. Do you know of anybody in your family that's famous?
  5. Farewell. who r you
  6. /merged both of your atomic topics Anyways, seems like a decent idea, and the different sections seem good, if it's to long.
  7. hi gaben pls more steam sales pls ty hi
  8. Hello guys, I recently decided to start up a channel which is going to include basically, anything with my gaming life such as League, Cod4 deathrun, codjumper clips, etc. Anyways, the point is that i'm going to be starting a tutorial series on anything Cod4 related. Such as Cod4 radiant, how to script different things like double bounces, moving things, different cod4 menu scripting, etc. If you guys have ANY requests on anything, you can post it here, and i'll try my hardest to make a tutorial on that. Tutorial 1- Installing the Modtools Tutorial 2- The Basics of Radiant Tutorial 3- Compiling your Map Tutorial 4- Custom Textures and Teleports Tutorial 5- The Basics of Scripting CoD4
  9. Your eye looks swollen. Did you get the shit beat out of you? lel
  10. onBeginUse( player ) { if ( self maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::isFriendlyTeam( player.pers["team"] ) ) { player playSound( "mp_bomb_defuse" ); player.isDefusing = true; if ( isDefined( level.sdBombModel ) ) level.sdBombModel hide(); } else { player.isPlanting = true; if ( level.multibomb ) { for ( i = 0; i < self.otherBombZones.size; i++ ) { self.otherBombZones[i] maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::disableObject(); } } } } onEndUse( team, player, result ) { if ( !isAlive( player ) ) return; player.isDefusing = false; player.isPlanting = false; if ( self maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::isFriendlyTeam( player.pers["team"] ) ) { if ( isDefined( level.sdBombModel ) && !result ) { level.sdBombModel show(); } } else { if ( level.multibomb && !result ) { for ( i = 0; i < self.otherBombZones.size; i++ ) { self.otherBombZones[i] maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::enableObject(); } } } } Not sure if it's what you're looking for, look in Raw > Maps > Mp > Gametypes > sd.gsc or sab.gsc (Search and Destroy or Sabotage)
  11. Oh you mean so you can bot your server to get more popular? If so, please fuck off. If you're talking to test a map, look at what jeffskye said, just use offline to test the map in devmap.
  12. woop woop, got my engineering teacher.
  13. Bosnian, just make it in radiant, if you can't do it, xfire me, i'll do it.
  14. Xfire me, i'll make them no charge.
  15. The Max division is Master*
  16. Better then most, I'm Bronze 4 because well, you know, I decided as soon as I hit Level 30 to start playing, that was when I was REALLY shit at the game.
  17. wafflez 4 cm
  18. You need the mod sources, once the mod is compiled into a Fastfile (mod.ff), you no longer have access to edit the menus. Only way to get the sources is to buy them from braxi, or find a mediafire link with them or something, i'm sure they've been spread :dave:
  19. Thanks for the proof of your hacks. Now have the evidence for the perm ban. :dave:
  20. >implying this is c++ anyways, this just is annoying, and causes the logs to fill up, I personally hate when people do this, cool tutorial anyways i guess.
  21. There's a way past that with scripting some more into it. If traps aren't activated within a certain amount of time.
  22. Just add this line where you give the jumper and activator weapons player setMoveSpeedScale(1); For the jumper ^ level.activ setMoveSpeedScale(1); For the Activator ^ Or whatever the hell FNRP's speed is :dumb:
  23. UPDATES!?!?!?!?!!? :angryarnold: