
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Zack

  1. cant wait for this mod to get out of BETA its the best codjump server i have been on so far. how long will that take? 

    I believe Lossy quit working on the Codjumper mod, you could always PM him to ask him. Also, try not to bump topics this old man, most people will yell at you for it. Try posting on more recent topics, check. "View New Topics" at the top of the page. 


  2. Admin applications: Do you accept the requirements?: Yees.

    What is your real name?: Zack 

    What is your in-game name?: Zack

    How old are you?: 15 going on 3

    What is your primary server?: I normally play CSGO, so I would be quite active on the CSGO server once it's fully running, and such. I do play deathrun from time to time weekly.

    What is your B3 CID?: 3 (I used to have 2 until Lossy switched me like an ass D:)

    What is your Xfire?: itzwalsh2521

    What is your Steam?: itzwalsh2521

    What makes you a good admin?: What makes me a good admin is that I may be childish sometimes (a lot), but I am very active, and will enforce the rules when necessary. As i've seen before on CSGO community servers, there can be people from, mic spammers, music players, toxic players, etc, so I could help rid the server of them, and make it an awesome ass server.

    What skills do you have?: Well, I'm a mapper for Cod4, I enjoy messing up my scaling a lot, and I know how to script in gsc, html, and the basics of c++. I also can eat a honey bun in one bite, proof will be uploaded if necessary.

    What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: Sync, Void, 3LiTE (l0l), and here.

    Why should we choose you?: Well, to start off, I think you should choose me because I am very active, as I am on every day, and since CSGO is the main game I play, there wouldn't be any inactivity problem. As many know, I get ragey sometimes at CSGO and League, but it's not nearly as bad as before :P. I've been an admin before, but retired due to 2 reasons, 1 being behind on schoolwork and school related things, 2 being I didn't enjoy Cod4 anymore as I used to.


  3. Not really sure what this plugin does, it's supposed to stop the jumpers from shooting the activator, before he gets picked? Isn't that what the wait time before the round starts is for? Or is this something different
