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Posts posted by Bumba

  1. I'm sure there would be a way to run and record a game at a higher resolution than your monitor (it just wouldn't fit on your monitor).

    Or maybe how I think video game recording works is wrong :P

    Well the max resolution I can pick on cod4 is 1440x900. Even if there was a way to force 1920x1080 I'm pretty sure it would mess up badly.


  2. The only maps on this list that are fit for the rotation are, in my opinion.


    All the others are meh and should only be added to the server only, and not the rotation.

  3. Does anyone have a good video of some MM gameplay? Need to have a look at the details so I can finish a few things.

    Here's a few key things if it helps.


    • The first round of any map, mike gets picked randomly
    • If mike kills all the players, the first player he kills gets picked as mike next round.
    • If mike gets killed by the last player alive he is mike again next round.
    • None of the players are able to knife or shoot, when the last player is alive he is able to knife.
    • Mike is able to knife the whole time.
    • Old school

    That's all the key points I an think of at the moment. But of course you could watch a video like you said. Also people can say things that I missed.


  4. I used to play this on xbox all the time and it was like the most fun thing I ever played on cod4.


    But yeah if this mod was to be made it wouldn't have to be over edited like you said, a simple mod with default menus would be fine. There wouldn't have to be any extra unlocks or anything. Just how it would be played like on console but with added things to stop people shooting mike and all the annoying things that used to happen that would ruin the game.


    And about spots, I don't think many spots should be patched because that's what it's all about to be honest.


    +1 I would play this. 


  5. Sunset.

    No pls. There's no point putting that map on the rotation since it has a hard way which is basically impossible even for highly skilled jumpers. 


    Maybe it could be added to the server for map selection, but not the rotation.
