
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by just_indian

  1. My parents are cracking down on me for my grades. So my computer will not be accessable to me for two weeks and a week after school ends I will be going away for another week. In between them I will be on. The only time in a month that I will have my computer. Finals will be fun :Dave: I will still be able to browse the forums on mobile though. I will see you when finals are over.
  2. Is that because they got all A's in the semester because that is in my school too. Or are you guys just lucky
  3. Even if you do become admin you still need proof of the hack.
  4. Singing Cowboy darmuh inbound.
  5. Just create another account on cod4 so you can have a "smurf" account and a pro one
  6. Anti you are closer to me :D jk Good luck on the drive I hate long drives. I have been on a 19 hour one but 10-15 days god damn.
  7. Please read the requirements.
  8. I think you are in the wrong topic lossy
  9. JAK AND DEXTER <3 My first ps2 game and it was so fun. Other that that i played spyro and Crash bandicoot
  10. Hello and welcome to the raid forums, I hope you enjoy your stay. Khaos has a challenger :Dave:
  11. Come on lossy spit it out
  12. Oooo shiny
  13. Thank you guys! Congrats to new trials.
  14. I have the Logitech g430's. They are nice :D http://gaming.logitech.com/en-us/product/g430-7-1-surround-sound-gaming-headset
  15. Grapes would be a horribly great trial admin. Anyways good luck.
  16. Darmuh's name has to do with indian culture huehue. Anyways I just took my brother's (the paki's) name from the cod4 account on his old computer.
  17. For a halo mod wouldn't it be hard to make the melee animation?
  18. You have streamed quite a bit lately. You could have one for chat and the other for the game you are playing.
  19. It gives the player who is in the vents and the dome an unfair advantage over the others.
  20. Hey man just look at my picture.
  21. Lossy its google fiber.
  22. That's because the first time it looked like a scroll after that it got a bit fishy.
  23. Welcome back Dark! Can't wait to hear your voice in ts.... wait never mind.
  24. What about me?
  25. :facepalm: you have to show him the code not just put a spoiler in a post