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About Wav3yMaRio

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/13/98

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  • Interests
    basketball and girls :D

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  1. Happy birthday TilaK :D
  2. Hi

    Welcome to the forums :)
  3. Welcome to the forums :)
  4. i have experience with commands i use to own a dr server i just didnt have enough money to keep it and i am always on forums
  5. Very mature never arguing with anyone and active on the servers Good luck
  6. Admin APPLICATIONS: Do you accept the requirements?: yes What is your real name?: Romario What is your in-game name?: Wav3yMaRio How old are you?:16 What is your primary server?: Deathrun,Cj What is your B3 CID?: 28103 What is your Xfire?: xXWav3yMaRioXx What is your Steam?: xXWav3yMaRioXx What makes you a good admin?: First of i would love to help the community out i am all ways on basically 24/7 so i feel i should be helping out and take less stress of some of the other admins. I would be a good admin because i am mature and respectful and i know how to handle situations the right way also i am respected on the servers as a player and as a person as you can tell by all my Wav3y's lol but don't get me wrong the "Wav3y" in there name will not stop me from enforcing the rules on any of them!. And i know not to abuse power because i have seen power being abused not on raid servers btw and i understand how people feel. And also i am a calm,helpful and cool guy and i don't rage easily unless if i am going for time record and someone acti's jokeing xD. :troll: What skills do you have?: none yet i am learning how to make maps :D , And i am a quick learner What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: My first server was Ar51 that was before i Knew about Raid #RaidIsLovE #RaidIsLife i started playing cod 4 6 months ago btw Why should we choose you?: i should be Chosen because i am All ways active on raid dr i am mature and i am aware of the power of being an admin and i would not abuse any of my power.
  7. Looking good m8 keep up the hardwork cant wait to play it :)
  8. Hello welcome to the forums :)
  9. Welcome to the forums
  10. Nice map looks like it took a lot of hard work to make it :D
  11. Welcome m8 and wow head split open u should thank god everyday that it still alive
  12. Good Luck :)
  13. Hey reaper was playing with you on deathrun earlier welcome m8 :D
  14. nice work keep working hard :D
  15. nice tutorial very helpful :)