
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Purity

  1. I don't think it's the best of ideas for you to apply for admin, at least for couple of months because of recent events and past events with raid. Specially when you're part of a clan that's trying to copy raid.


    But it's not up to me :dave:


    these were my thoughts through laughter when i saw that you have applied, other than the fact i don't like you - good luck


  2. gl nublet, used to talk lots on ts3 but now u don't :(


    Still, active player on servers (although u dont interact much with the people playing - very quiet person :D although there is nothing wrong with it)


    With some learning i think you could be a decent admin, good luck.


  3. Happy bday nublet, too old 4 me now :3


    You've done a lot for raid over the years, taken most of it apon yourself and done neary all the work - so we should appreicate and celebrate this nublets bday :3


    Some Quotes from the community about your bday:


    Staab:  'Happy bday lossy, ur a faggot but we all love you'


    Slaya: "Happy birthday nub, now just need to learn to drink. - The Toxic Guy"


    Pixel: ''Happy birthday...'


    Sentrex: "Have a nice birthday Lossy :) Have a good'en!"


    BlueSeven: 'Lossy has created a community which has vastly expanded into being a very successful community and we are all grateful for it.'


    Caspa: 'Lossy, i only met you recently and you seem like a cunt but Happy Birthday! <3 you'


    Anti: "Hope you have good day...nub" 


    iMtroll: 'fuk you lossy, go get me your mums jam cup'


    Triton: Happy birthday lossy, maybe it might be time to pay me back some of these steam cards :>



    Anyways its 00:00 and i've ran out of time! these quotes are just a few from the ts3 community. Happy bday lossy :) have a good one.


    edit: if anyone else wishes to add a quote, post below or tell an admin and edit the post :)
