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Posts posted by Purity

  1. Can we add the bog map please. people have been asking for it.


    It was originally in the rotation but too much glitching/out of map shit happened so it was removed, although im sure barriers can be added etc if it's a popular demand.


    On the note, as psycho said when im on and play about 3-4 maps i always ban at least one hacker, so if myself or another admin isnt on the server and one hacker comes the majority will leave. This is due to inactive admins / lack of admins - which im waiting to be solved in the new applications :D


    Anyways, i think when master server is fixed Fun will be more active. 


  2. The fun server used to be a popular server on raid, always 15+ people on it but it's slowly dying and boring now, only 10 players max most of the time.


    IMO we should try and re-populate the server, branch out the community to Fun again instead of just focusing on DR.



    Even sitting in spectate will populate the server so u dont have an excuse not to :3


    Share your opinions / ideas i wanna hear them :) 




  3. Was very active, not as active as you were doe :3 Forum activity is also low :3


    Bad note: I always get confused between Quantum and Grapes (although im sure you are the same person yes?) if so, you were banned multiple times (or warned/kicked) for racism, insulting, spamming etc. - Not exactly something a "mature" person would do or someone who Raid would want to be as an  Admin.


    Good note: skilled player, quiet but enjoys some banter with players - community likes and i think you could learn!


    Good luck though m8, no harsh feelings just stating my points 




  4. although i see myself as part of the team keeping raid alive i cant help in this situation. If needs be i can spread the word, perhaps we can directly take donations from the community to trolls paypal and they will be given VIP or some feature in the future when the server is set up? im not sure on how to gain money for the dedi without generous donations from the community.


    Note: perhaps put this in the general discussion, im sure other members would donate not just admins.


